Chapter 21

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First day in this school...again. I have the best of luck. Thankfully, WonHo has the class with me. I won't be bored if he's here with me. Nothing has really changed at all. I've been gone for a long ass time yet everything but me has altered. 

There were a couple of weird looks that were given my way in the hall. I didn't know any of the people who looked at me but they seemed to recognize me.

WonHo dragged a chair next to me. The teacher strictly told him not to, but the glare he gave her changed her mind.

I've not only changed physically, but mentally as well. I'm stronger now in both ways.  I no longer hate being a "dark angel" as you would say. It's actually pretty cool. WonHo was right when he said I'd accept it sooner or later. What still ticks at the back of my head is that I would've been fine without this too. 

Shiyoung screamed as soon as she saw me. Good thing I have her in my class too.

She had a hard time believing it was me. I wish she would've spent a longer time at it though. She started interrogating me after about how I look. Asking why I cut my hair, how did I loose so much weight, and so on. 

He is nowhere to be seen. I asked Shiyoung about him and she said that she doesn't know. According to her, he has been coming to school regularly and he is still isolated from the rest of the student body and staff. 

Like I said, nothing has changed here.

"Yo," WonHo waves his hand in front of my face.

"She does that a lot," Shiyoung looks at him and giggles.

Her giggle and raise of pitch in her voice caught my attention. I look over at them just in time to see WonHo already giving her his flirty smile. 

I nudge him on his side with my elbow. 

"Is that..." WonHo whispers at me while pointing his thumb at something behind me.

When I look towards the direction he is pointing to, I see Taehyung sitting in the seat behind me. How did I not see him walk in? I didn't know his eyes could open that wide. 

Great, just like old times...

I hear the letter J escape his lips and I face forward again before he could finish. This made him stop halfway. 

He doesn't get to talk to me. He never did before. He didn't even come looking for me...he could've saved me.

WonHo placed his hand on my thigh when he saw me on the verge of a breakdown. 

I take a deep breath and continue staring out the window like I was before. I didn't expect to see him so soon.  

When it was recess time, Taehyung grabbed my wrist right after we walked out of class. I shook his hand off, but he went and did it again. 

He still wore the same look that I had seen on him earlier. 

"Jen where were you this whole time I-"

"Wow," I laughed, "you noticed I was gone?"

"What? Of course I did I-"

"You what?" I responded angrily, making him angry too.

"Let me finish my goddamn sentence! I did look for you, okay? I know you think I didn't but I did! I was going crazy!"

"You were going crazy??" I raise my voice, "if you had seen what I had to go through-"

"Aye, blossom, let's go. You need to eat." WonHo purposely grabs my waist and pulls me away.

I follow him to the cafeteria leaving Taehyung behind. 

I'm not gonna lie, I missed his voice like crazy, I missed him like crazy, but I'm not going to let him get to me anymore. This time is not like the other times...this time I actually forgot about him. 

As WonHo and I stand idly in line for lunch, I hear a voice in my head. 

"You're one of them now, aren't you?" Is what the voice asked. 

I look around me. Everyone is engaged in their own thing.

I asked WonHo if he had heard that and he asked what I was talking about.

I decided to ignore it. It might just be me going crazy from all the training and the stress of coming back to this place.

"Are you really hungry?" WonHo asks me. 

I shake my head no and he smirks at me.

He quickly grabs my hand and drags me along with him. He takes us behind one of the campus buildings and I roll my eyes.

"WonHo this is a school. We can't-"

"What the hell are you talking about, perv?" He laughs.

He starts climbing the fence and gestures me to do so as well. Once he reaches the ground, he helps me down and starts dragging me behind him while running again. 

We stop running after we leave the school's street and start walking back to the apartment.

"Nice," I roll my eyes at him, "skipping on the first day of school."

He laughs and starts heating up the kimchi that was in the fridge.

We had picked it up last night when we first got here.

I forgot, we haven't seen Jaemin since the morning because he's a year younger than us so he's in a different class.

"Remember to leave Jay some." I remind him.

"Aye, Jen," WonHo winks over at me, "we're home alone."

"Not today, Despereaux," I take the bowl of kimchi from his hand, "I'm too tired."

"C'mon! It'll help you release stress."


I start eating. He joins me once he gives up on asking me.

One thing you can never take from this man, is his hornyness.

"So, what was Taehyung telling you?" WonHo breaks the silence.

I was actually enjoying the silence.

"Nothing important."

"You sure? You seemed pretty frustrated afterwards."

I nod.

It really was nothing important. Just a bunch of lies that I no longer care about.

I know it's not good to complain, but why couldn't we have been sent to a different location?

Out of all the angels, or devils whatever the hell you want to call them, Lucifer has, he just had to send us.

Ending of part 1. It's short because I'm writing by my phone and it's kind of uncomfortable. Part 2 will be updated early this week.

(This is the second time I publish this chapter Cuz last time apparently it didn't update even tho I published it fml)

Are you guys excited for the comeback?? So many groups are having comebacks this month!! I'm not ready for this  ((':

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