Chapter 4~ Part Two

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What the hell is wrong with my father? He is the most strict and protective man on the planet. I've lived with him since my mom died and Lacey's mom divorced my dad.

And he leaves me alone with a guy?

"Ok so if you are going to stay here until my dad gets back, you need to be helpful. " I crossed my arms. Luke is just sitting on the couch with Lacey watching some semi-old kids show.

"Why don't they like water?" Luke asked Lacey, ignoring me completely.

"They're mermaids. " Lacey answered giggling. "Mermaids can't get wet or else they will grow tails. "

"Tails?" Luke repeated in disbelief.

"Mhmm. " Lacey grinned, showing her the gap that came from the missing two front teeth. "The one with the brown hair's my favourite. " She pointed to Cleo. Yes I know the characters. H2O was my favourite show. Even though I was a bit old when it came out.

"How did they get them?" Luke was seriously engaging in conversation with a 6 year old. Maybe it's because he's mentally 6 but has a potty mouth. I'm happy he isn't swearing in front of Lacey.

"There's this pool...."

"Uh huh. "

"On an island called Mako." Lacey's stomach growled loudly. She looked up at me sheepishly. "I'm hungry Briar..."

Luke chuckled. "Do you have anything for her to eat?"

"Uh of course I do!" I defended, marching into the kitchen. I searched through the cabinets... They were empty. Ok there has got to be something. I then went through the fridge. Still nothing. I groaned. I trudged into the living room.

"Did you find anything?" Luke mocked, which irritated me to my core. Hell, anything Luke Hemmings does gets under my skin. I shook my head. He guffawed at me.

"But I'm really hungry. " Lacey whined while crossing her arms and pouting. She stomped her foot into the ground.

"Lacey I-" I was going to answer my younger sister, who was about to throw a tantrum, but someone interrupted me.

"I can order a pizza?" Luke offered sincerely, not to me but to Lacey. Lacey stopped pouting and her face broke out in an eager grin. "Would you like that Lacey?" She nodded.

"Would I?" She shrieked. "Yes!" She started clapping and jumping around. "I love pizza! Thank you... um.." Ha she doesn't even know his name.

"Luke. " Luke genuinely smiled at Lacey. "What kind should I get?" He squatted down to get to Lacey's eye level.

Lacey tapped her chin with her little index finger. "You should get cheese pizza. " She giggled for no apparent reason after that. "With pepperoni of course. "

"Alright. "He got back up. He glanced my way. "You want something different?" He didn't talk to me the same way he did with Lacey.

"She's my sister. " I snapped. "You don't have to do this. I could've got her something." It irked me that Luke thinks he could just come in here and run everything. That's not how it works at Casa de Henderson. Wow that sounds really lame. My names not even Spanish sounding.

"Hey. I said I'd help you with Lacey. "Luke said. "And I asked you whether you wanted a different topping on your pizza so can you please stop being a female dog for one second?"

"What's a female dog?" Lacey tilted her head to the side in confusion.

Luke received a ice cold glance from yours truly for his not so slick statement. "It's just a dog... that's a girl."

"Oh. Ok. "

Luke ordered the pizza and we all sat around as we waited for its arrival. When the doorbell rang,I sprang up yet Luke beat me to the door.

Luke paid the pizza man and took the pizza. He thanked the man before closing the door. "Ok. I've got 1 1/2 pepperoni 1/2 meat lovers pizza, and 1 meat lovers pizza. "

He rubbed his hands together before setting them on the kitchen,made himself comfortable in one of the chairs, and began opening one of the boxes. I slapped his hand away. "Ow!" He exclaimed.

"We wash our hands before we eat in this house, Hemmings. "I pointed to the bathroom. "The restroom's that way. "

"I need to wash my hands too!" Lacey shouted, holding both of her hands out and shaking them fiercely. "But I need help. I'm too short. "

Before I can offer my assistance, Luke replies to Lacey, " I can help you Lace. " He took her hand. "Now where is the bathroom? "He knows where the bathroom is...

"THAT WAY!" She directed Luke to the bathroom. I washed my hands in the kitchen because I was not going in the bathroom with him in it. I dried my hands on a napkin and sat at the table.

Luke and Lacey came back and we devoured the pizza. As much as I hate to admit, Luke did a pretty decent job helping me take care of Lacey.

Luke and I helped Lacey to bed and then as soon as we finished my dad came home.

"Hey Briar. " My dad greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. "Is Lace in bed?" I nodded which made my father smile. "That's great. You two did a fine job together. "

"Still don't know why you decided it was ok to have him help me. " I pointed at Luke, who was covered in tattoos and whose appearance screamed attitude and defiance.

"Seems like a alright kid. Liz said he would be of good assistance to you. "


"My mother. " Luke chimed in.

"Oh. "

"So have you two gotten to know each other a little better?" Dad asked us once he had settled himself in his comfy recliner chair.

"I knew Luke already. " I replied quickly.

"Well alright. "Dad was already beginning to dose off in his chair, telling me that it was time for Luke to leave.

"You should go. " I said to Luke. "Thanks for helping me. "

Luke smiled. " No problem. " He walked to the door and opened it. He cleared his throat. "Bye Mr. Henderson... Bye Briar. " He left the house and closed the door behind him

After this I thought Luke wasn't that bad of a guy. C'mon he didn't act up in front of Lacey and he was acting civil to me. Then later I realised it was just an act, a front. All he really cared about was his reputation.

But silly me at the time since I had already starting having feelings for him because of how great he did with Lacey. (And how he actually made it a whole night without swearing. )


Sorry it took me a week. I don't have writer's block it's just sometimes I can be forgetful and slow. I'll go back to multiple updates a week because I like writing this story.

Hope you like it! It helps me update if you comment and vote! I'd really appreciate it!


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