Chapter 12~ Help?

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Hi guys it's me, just wanted to say I hope you all had a good holiday, and thanks for reading (:

Luke had his guard on for the entirety of my stay at the table, not taking his eyes of me. I knew he wasn't eying me in a lusty way, but was instead an act of precaution. He was watching my movements in case I was going to do something.

Michael and Calum were pretty good company themselves by telling embarrassing stories about each other. Michael grinned as he began to tell a story about Calum. Before he could really get into it, he was hastily interrupted by Talia.

"Luke!" Talia ran up to Luke, bent down, and hugged him before plopping down in the seat next to him. "Hey Bry!" She waved. "Hey Calum and.. uh.." She stumbled over Michael's name. "Uh hey guys. "

A frown flashed across Michael's face before it was swept away swiftly by a plastered on fake smile. You could tell he was not happy that Talia did not know his name. I can't blame him. Michael isn't a hard name..

Calum noticed his friend's discomfort as soon as I had, but failed to mention it. "Well we better go. Our next class is maths and the room is far from the canteen. " Calum and Michael got up. "You wanna come with Briar?"

"I might as well." I followed suit in getting up from the table. "Do you guys have the same instructor as me?" Talia and Luke were in their own kind of world, not paying us leaving any mind.

"We have Ms. Potts. " Stated Michael.

"You have the same teacher as me and Stella. Speaking of her, I left my bag at our table and I have to go get it. "

"We can come with you if you'd like. " Calum volunteered. "I'm guessing Stella is a friend of yours?" He and Michael followed me to the table.

"Yes. " When we got to the table, Stella handed me my bag. "Thanks. "

"No problem. " Stella smiled. "Did you guys get tired of Talia and Luke already?" They nodded. "Figures. "

"You must be Stella. Hi I'm Michael. " Michael introduced himself. Michael opened the door and the four of us made our way out of the back.

"Friend of Luke right?" Stella asked. Michael nodded. "Are you in the same next class as Bry and I?"

"Yeah. " Calum answered. "And I'm Calum. "

"Hi Calum. "

Stella and I, positioned ourselves on the wall near the door while the two boys were leaning against the opposite all next to the entrance. Lunch wouldn't be over for at least 5 more minutes so we had time left over. Stella took it upon herself to fill the silence with conversation after we made ourselves comfortable by the door. "You guys were quick to bolt without Luke. Don't like Talia or something?"

Michael and Calum chorused no in unison, making Stella and I chuckle. "She's just not, the kind of girl I would've picked for Luke. I must sound crazy but I'd rather he'd date a girl like Briar than Talia. " Michael explained, letting out a sigh.

"Exactly. " Calum agreed. "I envisioned him dating a kind, genuine girl. Talia is just horrible, " Calum scrunched up his nose and shook his head quickly. "She's just not good for Luke you know?"

"And why do you think I would be good for Luke?" I asked not grasping how I would be a better girl for Luke than Talia. I don't exactly like Talia but don't get me wrong she isn't all bad babe has some golden qualities. She may not be loyal, but she is determined and ambitious. I halted my thoughts when I remembered all the bad things about her and scolded my mind for defending her.

"Although we never knew you very well, you seem like a nice and genuine person," Calum repeated the word genuine for emphasis.

"Can you help us with something?" Stella blurted out suddenly.

"Uh, what is it?"

"This is a major long shot, and I'm 90% sure you'll say no and think we are the most insane people on earth, but, " She paused to gasp and take a much needed breathing break before continuing, "can you please help Bry and I break them up?"

Michael furrowed his dark eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"You see Briar here," She pointed at me. Stella continued talking at a faster pace. "Isn't over Luke. She really wants him back. I can also vouch that Talia isn't an amazing person. Before you think of Briar as some lovesick girl and me as a meddling friend I just want to say that-" Michael interrupted.

"Hold on. " Michael arched his brow. "You want us," Him and Calum. "to help you two, break up my mate's relationship or whatever that mess is, so you can get Briar back with him?" Stella shook her head up and down. "Why?"

My anxiety level went up exponentially. Stella put us in an extremely difficult position. Although the plan would be much easier with two people that are close to Luke on our side, they don't know the full story and I don't think Stella plans on telling them it. Now I have to lie. "She told you why. " I mentally prayed to the heavens that my voice did not sound like I was being untruthful.

"Not to be rude," Calum butted in. "But didn't he cheat on you? With Talia to be exact?" I said yes. "Why would you want him back, then?"

"I just do," I scanned my mind searching for meaningful memories that qualified as reasons why Luke and I should get back together. Memories where Luke wasn't a complete asshole. I couldn't come up with any valid reasons on the spot. I made one up. " I still love him. "

Calum wanted to speak, but Michael was quick to answer, "We'll think about it. "

Next update will be soon ;)


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