Chapter 15~ Nothing

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She was standing outside the school's canteen. Amanda was dismissed early because the teacher had to use the bathroom and by the time he would've gotten back the bell would have already rung. She snapped the band across her arm against her wrist over and over again. It was a notion she often did when she was nervous.

She shouldn't be nervous. She's been with guys before just never pretended to be with a guy before. Amanda knows what to do. When the bell finally rang, she slammed the doors open and got inside before a crowd formed outside.

She waited at an empty table until people began to pour in. After Luke came in, Amanda made her move. "Hey Luke right?" Amanda made herself comfortable close to Luke.

Luke initially did not reply to the girl sitting next to him and gave the two of the them more space by moving down. Amanda nudged him lightly to get a reaction out of the boy. "What is it?"

"Are you lonely? I saw you sitting here alone by yourself and thought you needed some company. " Amanda's voice dripped with artificial friendliness and sincerity. All part of the job, she thought.

Luke felt no need to reply, his expression said it all. His face screamed bitch do you know who I am? leave me the fuck alone. But the blonde haired boy remained quiet in hopes the girl would receive his message to go away.

His efforts were undoubtedly in vain as she keep on persistently attempting to make conversation with him. Progressively, Amanda became less friendly, and more flirty. "So Luke do you have a girlfriend?"

Luke remained mute but clenched his fist in annoyance.

"I've heard you did. Talia right?"

"She's not my girlfriend. " He grumbled underneath his breath. Luke dreaded the word girlfriend. Only bad things would come from the term. He learned the hard way that it was better to be single rather than be tied down to one girl.

"So he speaks? I was beginning to think you couldn't speak or something. " Amanda chuckled lightly. "What do you mean? People been telling me left and right that you guys are an item." Amanda spat out a lie that came out of nowhere as she got an idea. She could scare Luke into ending his thing with Talia.

"But we aren't. " In an instant, Luke became fully interested in what Amanda was saying and hung on to every word that came out of her mouth. Amanda wanted to smirk but that would give everything away. She kept serious.

"In fact, I'm pretty sure Talia was telling everyone in our Phys. Ed class last hour. 'Luke and I this, me and Luke that.'" Amanda accurately imitated Talia's high pitched and very shrill voice. "I'm really shocked no one has brought this up with you before. " Amanda could see the shift in Luke's calm temperament.

"You're lying. " Luke was in denial with himself over the statements she was making. He wanted to believe it was all lies but there was an aching feeling that she could be telling the truth.

Amanda shook her head. "I don't lie. Ask anybody. Luke she was talking about you in the hallway when I was coming in here. Everyone thinks you are dating her. " Amanda lied smoothly.

Luke ground his upper teeth down on his lower teeth. He pushed his chair out, got up, and slammed his hand down on the table. The room grew silent and everybody halted their chattering. He charged out of the canteen. Amanda, along with everybody else that remained in the room, bolted out after him.

Luke searched the halls looking for Talia. He was furious. How dare she tell everyone they were dating? What the hell?! He found the flame-haired girl talking to a group of girls. He yanked her away from them.

"Ow!" She yelled. "What the heck Luke?! Why are you so rough?"

"Let me guess, " Luke's face was red and angry. "you were telling those girls over there," he gestured to the girls that he at the moment despised, "that we're together. " You could hear that he was very upset and angry with her.

"What are you talking about, babe?" Talia's words only seemed to anger Luke further as she called him "babe" "Are you alright?"

"That's. JUST IT. " He pounded his fist into a nearby locker. A crowd began to form around them. He cornered Talia. "You fucking think that we're a couple and tht we're together. But WE'RE NOT!" He raised his voice at her. Talia was very frightened and unaware of why he was doing this. "You," He pointed at her. "are nothing to me. Got it?"

Talia's eyes grew watery. In the state Luke was in, he didn't give a damn about her feelings and didn't comfort her or apologise.

Luke backed up. "Do you understand?" He needed a response from her.

Talia cleared her throat to speak. She squealed when she opened her mouth. Not trusting her voice, she nodded to answer him.

"Good. " Luke stormed passed the mob of people and made his way out the door, exiting the school a few hours ahead of dismissal.


I really liked this chapter and I hope you guys like it too! I kept typing and deleting typing and deleting until it felt right. Next update should be up faster.

Have a nice day/morning/afternoon/evening. Comments, votes, and reads help me update. (: Thanks for reading.


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