Chapter 1

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"This can't be possible." I whisper to myself as I look at the test in my hand.

"I'm a man. I-I can't be pregnant." A silent tear rolled down my cheek as I stared at the positive sign on the pregnancy test.

"H-Hey Scott?" I called for my boyfriend. A weak 'yeah?' came from down the hall.

"Remember that night, we uh, had sex without a condom?" I heard him get up from his spot on the couch as he walked down the hall. When he made his way to me in the bathroom, my eyes pricked with tears as sudden realization came upon his eyes when he made contact with the test.

"Uh, last week?" He whispered out, his eyes never leaving the test in my hands.

"Yeah." I paused, trying to blink away my tears. "I'm pregnant." I whisper to him.

He carefully grabs the test out of my hands and stares at it for a minute.

"No. This is fake. Some sort of prank?" He looks around the bathroom.

"W-where's the camera's Mitch? You're a guy for God's sake. You can't be. R-right?" He asked me, tears threatening to spill from his and my eyes.

"I wish this was a prank, Scott. I don't know how. I hope, I really hope, that test is wrong." I wiped the tears from under my eyes. "I'm going to the doctors. Have a real test." I told him.

He handed the test back to me and slowly backed away.

"No. I-I can't be a father, Mitch. I-I have to go." He jogged down the hall as I chased after him.

"Scott! Please! I need you!" I fell to my knees as I watched him open the door, glance back at me and whisper; "I'm sorry, Mitch." and left.  

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