Chapter 14

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sadly, this story is ending in a few chapters since i'm running out of ideas.

also, sorry for the huge time skip, i just cant think of anything for when luca is a tiny baby.



"Luca! Oh my gosh, say thank you to poppa Rick and Grandma for getting you a piano, baby!" Scott stood behind Luca as he was opening his presents.

"Fank 'ou poppa n gwandma." The two year old said as he hugged his grandpa's legs. "Of course, sweetheart." Connie said, picking the small toddler up and kissing his cheek causing Luca's lips to spread into a big grin.

Scott stood from where he was and came over to Mitch who had a glass of wine in his hand and was leaning his hip against the counter. Scott wrapped his arm around his HUSBANDS (yes they got married but I literally suck and cant write stuff like that) shoulders and kissed his temple.

Mitch smiled up at him and pecked his lips. He leaned his head against Scotts chest as he spoke.

"He's getting so old, baby. He's already two, jeez." He took a swig of his wine, frowning slightly.

"I know, it doesn't seem like it. Time goes by when you're with the ones you love." Scott answered. Mitch scoffed slightly.

"Ugh, you're so cheesy." He rolled his golden-brown eyes. "You love it." The blue eyed boy answered. "You're right, you're right." Mitch looked back at his son, who had gotten into the toy piano.

"Go give him his first piano lesson, honey." Mitch smirked, joking but of course Scott took it seriously, responding with a small 'Okay.' and walking away.

"Luca, baby, come here. Wanna learn how to play it?" Scott asked. Luca walked away from his aunt Lauren and nodded his head. "Yes!" He jumped up and down, excitedly.

"Come here then." Scott giggled slightly at his son who, at the moment was being the cutest little kid ever.

Luca walked over to his dad and got in front of the piano as Scott sat behind his. Scott wrapped his arms around his son and grasped his small hands in his own. He proceeded to guide Luca's hands around the keys, making odd noises since it was only a fake piano.

Mitch smiled at the two and pulled out his phone. He opened snapchat and snapped a quick picture of the two, captioning the photo with 'baby Luca's first piano lesson with daddy :)' and posted it.

Of course at this point, the fans had found out about the baby and their relationship so they didn't have to continue to hide their love. Some were loving, some hated on them but either way they still had a steady support system.

After a few minutes of Scott playing with Luca, the toddler got bored and gently pushed his dads hands away and began to slam the keys down, seeming to be more amused by that method of playing, Scott laughed and stood up.


"Who wants to sing to the birthday boy?" Mitch called, walking out of the kitchen with the cake and a lighter in his hands.

"Me, DaDa!" Luca called, running over to his dad.

"No, baby, you don't sing to yourself on your birthday! We sing to you!" Mitch laughed and set the small cake down on Luca's high chair and picked the child up, placing him in the seat and locking the table in.

Everyone gathered around as Mitch put the '2' candle in the center of the cake and lit the candle. Mitch stepped away while Scott stood next to the baby.

They all began singing happy birthday, Luca being the curious kid he is, reached out a touched the hot flame.

"Luca! Baby, no." Scott grabbed his hand away from the candle, Luca already starting to shriek his head off. Scott blew the candle out and unlocked the tray, picking the crying baby out of the chair and cradling him close. Mitch walked over to his son and husband, kissing Luca's head, trying to get him to stop crying.

Scott handed the baby to Mitch, going off the the kitchen to fetch an ice pack. Mitch rocked Luca and patted his back. Scott came back out of the kitchen with a flexible ice pack and wrapped it around the finger that had been burned.

Everyone else had scurried out to let them calm the situation.

A few minutes later, Luca's shrieking had turned into soft cries, which turned into soft sniffles, his head resting in the small of Mitch's neck and had a fist full of his shirt in each hand.

"How's he doing?" Scott came back into the kitchen, walking to his baby and pushing his soft bangs out of his face and kissing his small head.

"He's okay. I think it's bedtime, though." He pried Luca's hands off his shirt and handed him to Scott, who took him out and walked him up stairs, having the baby say goodnight to everyone before he went off to bed.

Mitch quickly changed his tear stained shirt for a different shirt, going back to the kitchen and warming up a bottle of milk for Luca and walked up to his room. Scott was in there changing Luca into footie pajamas.

Scott finished changing him and grabbed the bottle from Mitch, sitting in the rocking chair next to the crib. He placed the bottle in Luca's mouth, holding it until his son decided he wanted to hold it.

"Is everyone still here?" Scott whispered, continuing to rock Luca to sleep.

"Just your parents. They wanted to help clean up and say bye." Mitch rested his hands on the small dresser in the room, laying his head in between his hands.

"What time is it, sweet pea?" Scott asked after a few minutes of silence. Mitch glanced up at the clock. "10:43."

A few more minutes of silence and Luca was done with his bottle, his blue eyes half lidded as he tried to stay awake.

"Go to bed, baby." Scott hugged his baby before placing him in his crib and turning the light off and the night light on.

"Sleep tight baby boy."

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