Chapter 7 (real)

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"Mitchy, come on babe, wake up." Scott shook Mitch, trying to awake the sleeping boy since they had visitors besides Kirstie.

"Mmmm, no. More sleep. Try back later." Mitch tried rolling to the side but shot up when the stitches in his lower stomach stretched. "Oh fuck that hurt." Tears pricked in his tired eyes as he looked at Scott.

"Awe baby." Scott moved the sheets off of Mitch, looking at his naked upper half. Scott's eye widened when he saw a bit of blood seeping out of the wound. "I'm gonna get a nurse, I'll be right back." Scott left the room, leaving Mitch to wonder where his baby was.

"Are you okay, doll?" A nurse came into the room, moving the sheets lower to check out the wound. She grabbed some gauze and antiseptic and cleaned the wound carefully.

"There you go, sweetheart. Let me know if it starts bugging you again." She told Mitch. She was about to leave when Mitch stopped her.

"Can I see my baby yet?" She smiled, nodding her head before leaving to get him.

Scott sat next to Mitch on the small hospital bed, rubbing his arm softly.

"The crew's here." Scott leaned in a pecked Mitch's cheek, just because he wanted to. "Even Avi?" Mitch asked. Scott frowned slightly, nodding at Mitch's question. "I'm pretty sure he wanted to come but who knows, Esther could have forced him." Mitch nodded at Scott, laughing when the nurse came back with Luca wrapped tightly in a blue blanket.

He cradled the baby in his chest, kissing his head as much as he could.

"I'll go get everyone." Scott smiled at his boyfriend and his baby.

Mitch continued to coo at the baby squirming slightly in his arms as Scott left. He began to hum quietly, not even knowing what he was humming to the baby. His hum session was interrupted when Esther came running in the room, busting through the door.

"Oh. My. God. Look at you Mitchy! You're literally glowing, you look so amazing." She ran next to Mitch on the bed while the rest of the crew filed in.

"Hey guys." Mitch greeted, tiredly to everyone. Kevin, Avi, Kirstie, Esther and Jeremy showed up, Mitch was thankful yet upset that his parents weren't coming till tomorrow.

"So...How was it?" Kevin asked, shaking with anticipation. Avi stood towards the back as Kevin and Kirstie came forward. Mitch frowned slightly, still upset that Avi was acting this way.

"Ugh, I'm so tired, that's all I have to say about it." Mitch paused, looking at Avi who was looking at the ground. "Guys? Can I have a second with Avi?" Avi's head snapped up at the mention of his name. The group seemed confused but of course left the room at Mitch's request, Scott giving the hand that wasn't holding Luca, a slight squeeze.

Avi watched everyone file out before coming to stand by Mitch.

As Mitch was about to speak to him, Avi cut him off.

"No, don't say anything. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I was a total dick about all this and I can't even believe you still want to talk to me at all. Even if you don't wanna forgive me, I really want you to know I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry." Avi looked at Mitch, tears pricking at his waterline.

"Avi," Mitch paused, shifting the baby in his arms. "Of course I forgive you, you're like my brother. I'm really happy you get to be Uncle Avi to Luca." Mitch smiled at the older boy, happy he wasn't ignoring him anymore.

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