Chapter 13

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Sappy chappy :))


That's what Mitch was.

He shouldn't be but he just was.

The doctors warned him about this time, too.

They said that after birth, the baby grows and so do your emotions.

They said that the brunette will be upset and blame himself for little things.

And he does exactly that...

He blames himself for Luca crying non stop,

For Scott proposing to him just because he was the father of Luca,

For having Luca in the first place,

Just blaming himself for so much.

Scott noticed it when it first started.

He would just hold Mitch until he stopped crying or thrashing around in his arms and finally gave into his fiancés hold.

But this,

This time, Mitch was worse than ever.

Scott had left Mitch at home and took Luca with him to go get some lunch for he and Mitch.

Mitch had just been scrolling through his Instagram feed, ignoring the burning pit in his stomach.

Mitch had no clue what was happening or even circling through his head, he was just trying to keep it all down, waiting patiently for Scott to return home and help him out.

Mitch shakily exited the app he was in and reached for the call app to call Scott.





"Mitch? What's up?"

"Please come home. Right now."

"Why what's happening baby?"

"It's happening again..."

Mitch allowed a single tear to roll down his cheek.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Please don't do anything you'll regret baby. I'll be home in 5 minutes." Mitch could hear Scott running, probably behind Luca's stroller.

"I won't. Please hurry." Mitch whispered and hung up.

He set his phone to the side and took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

That feeling in his stomach was still there, digging into the pit of it.

Mitch's breathing was shallow and slightly rapid, he was trying to calm it for minutes, smiling wildly when he heard keys at the front door.

"Mitchy? Where are you baby?" He heard Scott call.

"In the living room." Mitch called back.

Scott came rushing into the room, Luca cradled gently in his arms.

"Baby, it's happening again?"

Mitch nodded slightly. Scott was about to speak, but hesitated.

"You can say whatever, honey. I just need you here with me so I don't do anything."

"Before I say what I was going to, what's on your mind? What's making you feel this way?" Scott asked, sitting next to Mitch on the couch and handing Luca to him.

"I don't know. I mean, I know the doctors said this was going to happen but I just want it to be over. I keep blaming my self for everything. Like I just feel like a burden. It makes me feel...small? I guess?" Mitch answered honestly.

"Oh, sweetheart."

Scott grabbed the baby and set him in the jumper. He walked back to the couch to see Mitch's head in his hands, the younger boy sniffling slightly.

"Come here, let me hold you." Scott told him.

Mitch allowed Scott to pick him up and pull him into his lap. The brunette hid his crying face into the crook of Scott's neck. Scott just rubbed his back, pulling him closer to his body and allowed him to cry into him.

"I hate when your like this. It makes me sad because there's nothing I can do to make it go away. All I can do is hold you and tell you how much I love you." Scott cooed.

"I hate being like this. I hate that you have to deal with this." Mitch whispered, almost non audible.

"Baby..." Scott pulled Mitch out of his neck slightly, moving his hands away from his eyes. "I love you and I would do anything for you. If I have to sit here for 5 hours just trying to calm you down I will. Because I am your soon-to-be-husband and I made a commitment to make sure you are happy at all times." Scott told him.

Mitch's bottom lip wobbled slightly before more tears escaped his eyes. He leaned forward and hugged Scott as tight as he could.

"I love you." Mitch kissed the skin in front of him, just so happening to be Scott's neck.

"I love you, too baby."

"Can we do something today, please?" Mitch looked back up at Scott. The blonde just smiled, nodding at the child like boy.

"How about, we stay in, I'll make a fort and we can watch movies with popcorn and everything like that?" Scott continued to rub his back and wipe the tears off his face.

"That, sounds so great." Scott laughed slightly.

"Anything for you baby. Now how about some food?" Scott suggested, not having eaten anything since around 9:30. The time being 1:45 at the moment.

"No thanks, I'm not very hungry." Mitch told Scott. Scott frowned slightly.

"Let me rephrase. I'm gonna get us some food. What would you like?" Scott stated firmly.

"Whatever your having is fine." Mitch answered, finding no point in answering.

"Okay, thank you sweetie. How about one of those veggie burgers you bought?" Scott suggested and Mitch just nodded, his head hurting from crying for so long.

"Come on baby." Scott stood, holding Mitch on his hip like a toddler.

"I like when you hold me like this." Mitch wrapped his arms around Scott neck, allowing him to set him on a chair at the breakfast bar.

"Then I guess I'll hold you like that more." Scott smiled as he pulled the food out of the freezer.

"Holy crap, I'm so lucky."

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