Chapter 5

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I feel special bc @AltoPentaholic votes for this book....
"Mitch? I think we should start getting ready. The parents are gonna be here soon." Scott says into my hair.

We may or may not have been cuddling on the couch, avoiding the point to get ready.

"Scott? What, what if they notice the bump." It was obvious and noticeable.

"Just wear one of my shirts and say it make your stomach look big." He pushed me off his chest gently, leaning down to kiss my stomach. I sighed at the feeling of his soft, warm lips on my sore, stretched out stomach.

"Come on. Let's go." He removes his lips and helps me up, leading us to the bedroom.

"Scotty, do you love me?" I ask in an innocent tone.

"Um, yeah, duh. Why?" He says cautiously.

"Can you dress me, please?" I beg him. He laughs and picks out one of his shirts and a pair of my, female, maternity jeans. He removes his shirt off my torso and slips on his other shirt, about three sizes to small. He slips my pants on over my underwear that I wore to bed and pecked my lips.

"Thank you baby." I say. He smiles and changes into his outfit, a muscle shirt and some basketball shorts since he didn't have to get too fancy for my parents. The doorbell rang just in time for us to be finished getting ready.

"Mike! Nel!" Scott greeted them at the door.

"Hi mom, dad. I've missed you so much!" I hug them both before bringing them into the living room for dinner/

"Oh my gosh! You guys made steak? On your own?" My mom said to us. Scott laughed and nodded his head, pulling out my moms chair for her to sit and then mine.


It was basically silent in the middle of dinner, other than the sounds of people picking up food on their forks.

I figured now may be a good time to tell them.

Now or never right?

"Um, so mom and dad. Scott and I have something to tell you." I say. They tear their attention away from their food, setting their forks down.

"Go ahead." My dad encourages.

"Well, this may be hard to believe but um," I look to Scott hoping he could finish my sentence. He shook his head and gestured for me to continue. I took a deep breath and finally found the confidence to continue.

"I'm, well, pregnant." I say confidently.

"You're what?" My dad asks.

"I know it seems weird but its this whole scientific explanation on my I'm pregnant. But, I know for sure, Scotts the dad and I'm keeping this baby." Scott rubs my back and grasps my hand in his.

"we fully support you Mitch. If you think we were gonna disown you or something, you're wrong. We love you and I don't know about your father but I'm excited to have a grandson!"

"I'm excited too!" My dad answers. "Who else knows? How'd they react?"

"Well, Esther, Kirstie, Kevin, Avi," Scott pauses and sighs. "Avi for some reason, didn't take it too well."

"What?" Nel said.

"He just said it wasn't a good idea for the band and I told him that I'm keeping the baby no matter what." I explained.

The night continued on for hours until I had finally gotten my parents to leave and let us go to sleep.

"Hey Mitchy?" Scott called from the living room while I was doing the dishes.


"What are we gonna name the little human?" He asked, coming around me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I don't know. I thought about a few names."

"What names for which gender?" He asked me.

"Well, for girls I was thinking Olive or Paris, maybe Perrie for short. And for boys, I was thinking Addison or Luca, Luke for short." I told him, putting the last of the dishes away and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hmm, I like Perrie and Luca," He paused. "I was thinking, for a girl, Juliet or Robyn, which could maybe work for a boy. But for boys I was thinking Michael or Toni." He kissed under my jaw.

"I really like Luca for a boy, though." I said, pouting slightly.

"Well you're lucky I do too. So if it's a boy-" He started.

"We name him Luca Toni Grassi-Hoying." I interrupted him.

"Hey...why does your name go first?"

"Because I'm the one giving birth to him or her." I sassed at him. He just rolled his eyes.

"What about for a girl?" I said.

"What about Perrie Juliet Grassi-Hoying?" I gleamed at his suggestion.

"Thats so cute! Ugh, our kid is gonna be so adorable." I told Scott.

I leaned up and kissed him, murmuring 'I love you' in between little pecks and kisses. He reached a hand down onto my stomach, rubbing the small bump lightly. He gasped into our kiss when he felt a small bump in my stomach.

"Oh my gosh! She or he just kicked! I felt it." I told him. He laughed and kissed me again.

"I love you Mitchy, I will never let you go." Scott whispered.


shorrrttt chapter but i have a surprise for when the baby grows up and its honestly a greeeaaat idea. If you're super impatient you can pm me for the surprise. It wont be for a could chapters until the baby is about 3 or 4. (i skip a few years)

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