Chapter 10

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"Hey, I was watching that!" Mitch whined.

"I need to ask you something..."

"Go ahead."

"Well, we've been together for a very long time." I paused, getting on my knee. I grabbed one of Mitch's hands as he gasped realizing what was happening. "And you make me so happy. I love you more than the sun and moon combined. I hope we'll be together for a million more years. So, Mitch?" I pull the small box out, opening it and revealing a diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?"

* * * * * * * *

"I-I, of course I will!" He said excitedly. He tackled me in a hug, whispering into my shoulder. "I love you so much."

I chuckled slightly out of relief. I hugged him back tighter and kissed his temple. He pulled away as I grasped his hand, slipping the engagement ring on his finger. He looked at me, smiling wide, glancing down at my lips. I rolled my eyes and leaned forward, connecting our lips in a short, passionate kiss. He pulled away before gasping slightly.

"I need to call my parents, and the band and Esther and Jer..." He rambled out names as I stood up. "What are you doing?" I put my hand up, motioning for him to wait.

"I got you babe." I pulled the phone out of the book case as I stopped the recording.

"You recorded the whole thing!?" Mitch asked, laughing. I smiled, nodding my head.

"I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you, Mitchy." I pulled him into another kiss, the small brunette tangling his fingers into my blonde locks. I pulled away from the kiss, Mitch's lips red and plump.

"W-we should, um, stop. I don't wanna start something we can't finish." Mitch said. I moved my hand from his hip, setting it on my thigh.

"Yeah, you're right." Mitch smiled at me, about to say something, before Luca started wailing at the top of his lungs. Mitch's smile fell before he sighed. I patted his knee.

"I got it babe, you just turn rupaul's drag race back on and I'll go get Luca." He gave me a thankful smile before leaning back against the couch. I headed upstairs into Luca's blue room. He continued to wail as I picked him up, cradling him against my chest. I rocked side to side for a few minuted trying my best to calm the newborn down. The wails turned to cries, turned to sniffling, turning to small fussing noises.

"There you go little guy." I said as I wrapped him in a small blue blanket. I kissed his head and turned to walk down stairs. Mitch was half asleep on the couch when I made it down stairs. His eyes were half lidded with sleep, mouth slightly agape as he watched the show. I smiled at my, now, fiancée. I walked into the kitchen, setting Luca in his little jumper. I opened the cabinet that was filled with bottles and baby formula for babies whose mother (or in this care father) couldn't produce breast milk. I grabbed a bottle and formula, filling the bottle a third of the way with formula and the rest of the bottle with water. I screwed the cap on and shook the milk around. I popped it into the microwave for a few seconds before sweeping Luca back up into my arms and slipping the nipple of the bottle in between his lips.

"Babe? I'm super tired, I'm gonna head up to bed." Mitch rubbed his tired eyes. I nodded, leaning down and pecking his lips. He turned his head and kissed Luca's forehead, whispering a 'good night baby boy.' before pecking me one more time and heading back up the steps. 

I watch as he walked up the steps slowly. I smiled at his back, happy he was going to be my husband. 

I moved back into the kitchen, setting Luca back into the jumper before fixing up a cup of tea for me, that Mitch will most likely steal and drink but I wouldn't care. I picked Luca up while the tea brewed and kissed his head as I sat him in his crib. He stretched his arms out a bit before closing his eyes and drifted into sleep. I walked back downstairs and collected my tea, turning the lights and tv off and, yet again, headed back upstairs. 

Mitch was under the duvet, eyes shut. I pulled the covers down a bit, seeing if he was still awake. He mumbled a string of words before turning over, revealing his half naked body. Only a pair of briefs covering his lower back. I laughed in my head before wrapping him back up in his blanket, leaning down to kiss his head. 

"Good night, soon to be husband." 

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