Chapter 4

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I stood in front of the full body mirror with my shirt up, revealing my baby bump.

"Jeez. Only a few months away. And to think, we thought it was just a phony pregnancy test." I spoke to myself, Scott in the room next to me, arranging some music.

And, I know what you're thinking. What happened with you and Avi?

Well, thats the thing.

What happened to me and Avi?

We only talked when we had to, never made eye contact and never hung out.

He always looked uncomfortable whenever I talk about the baby.

I just ignored it.

If he isn't happy, then fine.

I just want to be happy about my boyfriend.

And my soon to be baby.

"Mitchy? Can you come here for a second?" Scott called from the other room, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah." I walked into the music room, standing next to him.

He took off his headphones after he noticed me.

"Hey." He pecked his lips out, wanting a kiss. I leaned down and pecked his lips twice.

"Was that it?" I asked him.

"No. I wanna see the babyyyyyy." He said gripping the bottom of my shirt. I just laughed at his childless and lifted my shirt to reveal the bump.

"Whoa. She's so big." He said rubbing his hand up and down my stomach.

"How do you know it's a girl?" I said, a smirk on my lips. He looked up at me, eyes wide and lips slightly ajar.

"I-I don't. Sorry, Mitch. That just slipped out." I reached down and gently gripped his jaw this my hand. I pecked his lips.

"It's okay, Scott. I was just messing with you." I kissed him again, this time, more loving and passionate.

"I love you." I kissed his lips once more and left him to finish up his work.

"I love you too!" He yelled on my way out. I smile.

I walked into the kitchen, deciding to make me and Scott some food.

I quickly microwaved a cheeseburger for him and tossed together a salad for me.

I poured myself a little glass of wine. (I know ur not supposed to drink while pregnant but hey, this is fan fiction so calm down) I grabbed a beer from the fridge for Scott and made my way back to the music room.

I set down Scott's beer and food then pulled a chair up next to him to eat.

"Awe, thanks babe." He said, taking a bite out of his burger.

"So. We need to talk baby." I told him.

He groaned and responded with, "Ugh, I knew there was a reason you made me food."

I laughed it off, knowing he was only joking.

"Well, the baby needs a room and clothes right?" I took a small sip of my wine.

"Yeah, I guess." Scott whispered.

"I wanna go shopping tomorrow. Please, Scooter?" I begged, giving the boy puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, but what about the bump?" He said. My eyes widened.

"No! No! That's not at all what I meant, you know that. I just don't want people making fun of you. Or like fans finding out?" He spoke, the last sentence more like a question.

"You're right. I guess we could go online shopping?" I suggested.

"Yeah. I guess that could work." He finished his burger and dark the rest of his beer, going back to his work.

"I'll let you get back to work." I pecked his cheek and left the room, putting our plates in the dishwasher and going back to our room.

I grabbed his laptop and began looking at baby things.

I had purchased a lot of gender neutral clothes, baby bottles, changing table, etc, when Scott walked in, sitting behind me and peppering kisses on the back of my neck.

"Scott, I swear to God-"

"It's not nice to swear." Scott jokes.

"Ugh, Scotty. I'm trying to do this." I frown.

"But I wanna do this..." He trails off, pulling at the hem of my shirt.

"Scott!" I gasp. "I'm three months pregnant."

"Which means we haven't 'done' it in three months." He tugged harder at the shirt.

"Scott! No. I mean it." I tell him firmly.

"Ugh, fine but if you need me, I'll be in the bathroom, getting rid of this." He said gesturing to his crotch. I gently smack his arm.

"Scott!" He just laughs and walks away into the bathroom. I heard a few muffle groans and a loud moan when he released, I just chuckled and continued to shop.

Scott came out (no pun intended) a few moments later with a serious look on his face.

"Hey, uh, Mitch?" He said, scratching the back of his neck. I set the laptop aside and raise my eyebrow at him.

"Uh, Scott? What babe?" I ask.

"What about your parents? Have you told them." He asks quietly.

My eye widen with sudden realization. I had thought about telling them but haven't actually done that.

"I- not yet. I'll tell them later?" I say, more like a question. He just sighs and sits next to me.

"Babe, why don't I invite them down for the weekend and we have dinner and then you can tell them there?" He suggests. I nod and look at the ground.

Scott laces one hand in mine and the other reaches up to connect our lips in a passionate kiss. I sigh into the kiss. Scott pulls away, slightly out of breath.

"Thanks, I needed that, a lot." I tell him. He just laughs and connects our lips again.

"Never, never letting you go." He murmurs against my lips.


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