Chapter 16

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"Dad? Theo is here! We're leaving now!" Luca shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Wait, Wait. I need pictures!" Mitch called from upstairs. He quickly grabbed his phone from the charger and opened the camera app, running down the stairs.

When he got to the bottom, Mitch was met with his son, dressed for prom with his boyfriend by his side. 

"Can you make it quick, though, everyone's waiting..." Luca shyly said. 

Mitch nodded and poised the camera on him and his boyfriend, they boys posing a bit as he snapped some photos. 

"Oh my gosh, Scott! Get your butt in here!" Mitch yelled for his husband who had been in the kitchen, making dinner for once. 

"Holy shit, Candice did a good job with the fittings." Scott said when he walked in. Luca just blushed and muttered a small 'Thanks dad.' 

"Okay, Okay, that's enough pictures, we have to get going." Luca grabbed Theo's hand and led them out to Luca's car. 

"Please drive safe, baby! Keep your phone on you and text us when your on you way home! Curfew is 12. Please get Theo home safe." Mitch yelled from the porch while Luca helped Theo into the passenger seat.  

"Okay, I love you guys!" Luca yelled back, climbing into the drivers seat and driving away. 

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe he's going to prom...It-It feels like just yesterday he was 6 and going to his first day of school. Our baby boy. " Mitch's eyes filled with tears as he watched the jeep go down the street and turn the corner. He wiped away the tears that had fallen out of his eyes, leaning into his husband chest. 

"Come on, honey. Let's go inside." Scott put his hand on the small of Mitch's back and ushered them back inside. 


"Dad, come on, It's just college. I'll be back for winter break, please stop crying." Luca hugged Mitch while they were in the center of the airport gate. 

"But I can't bubba! I'm gonna miss you so much. It's gonna be so quiet..." Mitch sobbed into his sons arms while Scott rubbed his back. 

"Come on, sweetheart, he has to catch his flight. We'll skype him when he gets there yeah?" Scott suggested, pulling his husband away from Luca.

"I can't believe you're going all the way to New York with your boyfriend! That's so far." Mitch blubbered, wiping the tears on his cheeks. 

"Dad, it's not that big of a deal. I promise Theo and I will be fine. He's already in New York, our apartment is set up, we have food and when I get there, he's gonna pick me up from the airport. Please, chill out dad." Luca brought Mitch in for another bone crushing hug, making sure he gets the best out of it before he would leave his dad for four months. 

"I love you, so much." Mitch whispered to Luca.

"I love you, too dad. Thanks for giving birth to me." Luca whispered back. 

The intercom in the airport had called for Luca's flight, saying it was ready for boarding. 

"I gotta go now, pops." Luca squeezed Mitch one last time, looking at Scott when he pulled away. 

"Come 'ere, give your old man a hug." Scott laughed and opened his arm, letting Luca hug him. 

"I'll miss you, too papa." Luca let go and grabbed his carry-on bag, waving at his parents and walked into the flight, handing the attendant his ticket. 

Luca looked back once more, blowing a kiss back to his parents. Scott and Mitch blew a kiss back at him and waved, watching their baby boy walk into the flight. 


"Oh my gosh! Look at you..." Mitch said to Luca.

"I feel like it's high school graduation all over again." Luca said,  tugging at his graduation gown and tilting his hat back in place."

"You look great, baby. Let's get going. Are you and Theo- Have y'all worked everything out yet?" Mitch asked as him, Luca and Scott filed out to the car. 

"I-I don't know. I think we're okay, he's still kinda avoiding me but it's hard when I live with him. I still can't believe he got so upset about me going to the bar with Uncle Avi while he was in town with out telling him. It's not that big a deal." Luca leaned his head against the car window. 

"Bubba, he's probably just upset. Maybe he wanted to spend time with you. But you're right, he is kinda overreacting. Just-Just talk to him. Work things out, but if it's not meant to be then there are other fish in the sea." Scott said, patting his leg from behind his seat. "You'll survive." 

"But, he's the one I want, dad. It's not some high school romance where everything goes right. I've been with him since junior year of high school, through college and I'm not letting this tiny fight ruin our whole relationship." Luca says, pulling his phone out and typing a quick text to Theo.

"Gosh, you sound like me. Mitch and I got in a fight a while ago when you weren't born and I surely wasn't gonna let a stupid little fight ruin it." Scott explained. Mitch smiled up at Scott from the seat next to him. 

"I just told him to meet me when he gets there." Luca sighed, fixing his blonde hair in the mirror. "I just hope he forgives me." 


"Luca.." Theo stood from where he was sitting on a bench and walked over to meet him halfway.

"Go find some seats, I'll be there soon." Luca told Mitch and Scott. The boys nodded and walked to follow everyone else. 

"Theo, I don't want this little tiny fight to ruin everything. We've been together for a long time and I'm not throwing that away." Luca said to Theo, grabbing his small hands in his. 

"I-I don't wanna ruin it either and I'm sorry that I got mad for a stupid reason. I honestly don't really know why I got so upset, he's just your uncle, it's not like you're gonna go cheat on me with him." Theo giggled and looked at Luca. 

Luca removed one oh his hands from the smaller boys and placed it on his cheek, leaning in and connecting their lips in a short kiss. 

"I-I think I'm in love with you." Luca whispered. 

"I think I love you, too." Theo whispered back.


I know this is really sucky but I just wanted to get something out to yall :) pls forgive me pals

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