Chapter 3

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"I really want to do this, Kit...but I'm seriously not cut out to be a dad. I think God made me gay for a reason." I heard Scott tell Kirstie as I slowly woke up, keeping my eyes shut.

"Yes you are. If you love Mitch as much as it seems like you do, you'll be fine. It probably is just scaring you since your boyfriend is pregnant and that's not necessarily normal. But, I'm sure, together, you and him can get through this."

"But what about the band, and in public? A boy whose pregnant, like you said, isn't normal." I frowned at his words. He thinks I'm a freak of nature.

"We'll figure it out when that time comes. But for now, we just need to make sure he gets though this, Scotty. Be a big boy and use your brain." I heard him sigh as she walked out. He closed the door and slips back into bed with me, cuddling me into his side.

He begins to peck kisses all along my jaw line. I smile and shrug away from his touch.

"Stop." I giggle out when he continues to kiss me. I finally open my eyes to see his deep blue ones. "Hi." I sigh. He leans over to peck my lips.

"Mitch, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I guess I was just freaked out at first." He apologized.

"Scott," I began. "I heard your conversation with Kirstie. I get you don't want to be a dad and if you don't want to have this baby with me because I'm a freak of nature, I understand." His eyes widen at my words and he begins to pepper my face with kisses again.

"Mitchy, I want to be a dad and I want to have a baby with you, but I can barely take care of us." I sigh, relaxing into his touch.

"It's okay. I get it. I'm freaking out, too, and I'm the one carrying the baby." He kisses my lips once more.

"I'm just worried about the band and the fans. But I want to do this. I want to have a baby with you. " He smiles at me as I smile back at him.

"Well good, because I am not getting rid of this baby not matter what." He hovers his hand over my stomach and looks at me, asking to touch my stomach. I smile and nod my head as he touches my stomach ever so gently.

"Hey there, little one. I'm your dad. Or as Mitch calls me, daddy." I smack his arm at his joke and he just smirks. "Okay, okay. Well, I am sure you are very tiny. Maybe you aren't even in there. Or maybe you're about the size of a fingernail clipping. But whatever you are, I'm going to love you unconditionally." He leans down and kisses my stomach. He then comes back up and kisses me.

"I love you, more than words can explain." I smile, tearing up a bit.

"I love you, too Scottland." I cuddle into his neck as we spend the next hour, just sitting in each others company.

"As much as I love just sitting here and playing with your hair, I think we need to get up and get ready." I told him as I attempted to slip out of his grip. He immediately pulled me closer and spoke into my hair.

"I don't want to." I smiled at his childish behavior. I quickly slipped away from him before he could grab me, walking away into the bathroom.

"Babe, come back to beddddd." He begged. "Nope." I told him, brushing my teeth.

He groaned and got out of bed, making his way to the bathroom. He walked in a smacked my butt, effectively making me squeal.

"What was that for?" I asked when I was finished brushing my teeth.

"You have a cute butt I can't help it." Scott laughed and hopped into the shower. I just smiled and walked out of the bathroom, changing into a light blue over-sized sweater and some dark blue skinny jeans. Scott walked out minutes later and changed into a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt.

"So, are we going to tell the band?" Scott asked me while he was getting dressed.

"I think we have to. I mean in about 3 months they'll start noticing my weight gain." I told him.

"That's true. When are we gonna tell them?"

"Today? We have that meeting so everyone will be there. It just makes sense." He nodded his head and finished getting dressed. He stuck his hand out for me to grab and pulled me off our bed.

"Then, lets go tell people my baby's having a baby!" I laughed at his joke and followed him to the car.



"So after Vegas, we're going to Berkley. Got it?" Esther told the band.

We all said our 'yes' and then she spoke again.

"Also, Scott and Mitch has some news to tell us?" We both nods and stand up, Scott's hand attaching to mine in an instant.

"So, uh, Kirstie already knows about this and y'all will probably be kinda confused or shocked but just know it isn't for sure." I told them and took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered out, tears pricking the brim of my eyes.

A squeal of excitement came from Esther and Kevin, but nothing out of Avi.

"You're-" Kevin asked.

"I don't know. But I took a test yesterday and it came out positive. I'm going to the doctor later tomorrow to make sure, so it's not official." I explained, Avi just looked at the table in front of him. It was kind of worrying me since Avi was like a big brother to me but I just felt like he was uncomfortable with the situation.

"Okay, I am very excited to see how this goes. We all support you guys. But for now, meeting dismissed." Esther said, gleaming with excitement. We were all walking out, getting hugs an kisses from everyone but Avi. I saw him walking off to his car and decided to talk to him.

"I'm gonna go see what's up with Avi, be right back."

I quickly caught up with Avi, who stopped by his car when he saw me.

"Are you okay? You haven't spoken a word to me since I told you the news." I was truly upset that he didn't like the idea of me carrying a baby.

"I-I just don't think this is a good idea." He told me, quietly.

"So? What do you want me to do have an abortion? Give the baby away after it's born?" I spoke to him angrily.

"No, Mitch. I just don't think it's a great idea since people are bound to find out about you and start hating on you and the band."

"You don't think I've thought about that? You don't think that I won't want to show the world I'm a pregnant man? Avi, as much as I love you, you're stupid. Why can't you just be happy that I'm happy? You're like my big brother, and as my big brother, I thought you'd be excepting of my decision?" I saw out of breath by the time I had finished yelling at him.

Avi continued to stare at the ground, not answering me. I scoffed and walked away. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes as I made my way back to Scott.

He brought me into his arms as I silently sobbed into his chest. I looked up at him to see him giving Avi a pitiful look. I heard his car door shut.

"Let's go." Scott pulled me into the car and buckled me in, kissing my cheek when he was done.

"I wanna go home and sleep." I told him after a few minutes of silent driving.

We pulled into the drive way, (yes i know they have an apartment but in my book they have a house so deal with it) and Scott walked us into the dark house. I followed him into our room where I pulled back the covers and crawled in. Scott changed into some sweats and crawled in next to me.

"At least most of the band supports you." Scott whispered into my hair.

I didn't reply, just a simple hum and fell asleep.

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