Chapter 15

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Long ass filler :) enjoy!


"Luca! Luca come on, we're gonna be late if you don't hurry up, bubby!" Mitch yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"That's the last of the bags, where's Luca?" Scott came back into the house.

"He's upstairs taking forever." Mitch replied. Scott sighed and ran up the stairs.

He walked up to Luca's room and opened the door.

"Bubba, why aren't you-"

Luca was sitting on the floor, crying slightly.

"What's wrong, baby boy?" Scott scooped the crying child up in his arms, holding him close to his chest. Luca curled up into his chest.

"I-I don-don't wanna l-leave!"

"Why not? I thought you were excited about going to see grandma and poppa?" Scott asked, gently rubbing his back. He rocked the 6 year old side-to-side as he calmed down.

"I was, but I don't wanna leave California." He responded, rubbing his eyes and the tears off his cheeks.

"Scott! What's going on, we have to go!" Scott heard Mitch call from downstairs.

"We'll be down in one second!" He called back. He pulled Luca from out of the crook of his neck.

"Baby, we're gonna come back, we're only going for two weeks. Then we can come home and you can play with all the stuffies and toys you want." Scott kissed Luca's forehead, the boy nodding slightly.

"Can you carry me, dad?" Luca asked in a small voice.

"Yes, baby, I've got you." Scott grabbed Luca's carry on bag and walked down the stairs.

Mitch was standing at the bottom, hands on his hip, his eyes peering down at his watch.

"If we don't hurry, we won't make it in time, we have to go. What was going on?" Mitch asked, taking the bag from Scott and walking out the door, the two boys following after him.

"Luca thought we were leaving for good, so he was up there crying. I told him it was only for a little though." He put Luca in the back of Scott's car, buckling his seat belt.


"Daddy, I don't wanna go through those, they look scary..." The 6 year old held Scott's arm close to his chest as his dad's were putting all their metal in the bins to go through security.

"I promise you'll be fine, Luke. They made sure that no one has any bad things on them." He explained. "Take off your shoes and your earrings buddy." He waved for the boy to put the items in his hands.

The little boy, of course, followed Scott's directions and slipped his shoes off and his earrings he got a few months ago, out.

"Mommy, do I have to go by myself?" He asked Mitch as he went next to him.

"Yes, baby. I'll go first and wait for you while you go and then daddy will go behind you, okay? Just listen to what the people tell you and watch what I do, okay?" Mitch smiled and kissed his head, waiting for his turn to go through the body scanners. Mitch rubbed his eyes tiredly, still exhausted from having to wake up at 3 in the morning to be at the airport at 5 and get through baggage collection, security and get something for them to eat by 7.

"Okay Luca, I have to go through, I promise you'll be fine okay? Go stand by daddy." Mitch let go of his child as he walked to the scanners.

Luca's eyes were wide as he watched the scanner, a red lazer like light visibly scanning Mitch's whole body. The security guard gave him the 'okay' when no alarms went off. Mitch stepped out of the scanner and left to the other side to gather all their belongings.

"Come on, sweetheart."

Luca's attention snapped to the guard who was waving him over.

He took a deep breath and walked to the big contraption, placing his feet where the marks were.

"Can you put your arms out for me, honey? Like big 'T'?" The guard asked.

Luca closed his eyes while the light scanned him, just wanting the loud noise to stop.

"You're good, baby, go to your daddy over there." The lady pointed to Mitch and Luca gladly ran over to him.

"See bubba? It wasn't that bad..." Mitch hugged him and gave his shoes back, helping him slide his earrings into the holes when he was finished tying his shoes.

They patiently waited for Scott to finish before they all gathered their carry on bags and walked to the gate their plane was waiting at.

While they were waiting, Luca was sitting in Scott's lap, playing with his hair and messing it up.

"Luke, why are you messing with my hair?" Scott laughed slightly, causing the small child to giggle, remove his hands from his dad's hair and hide in his neck.

Mitch was standing next to the two, not wanting to sit since they would need to be sitting for the next few hours on a stuffy plane.

A few minutes later as Mitch was scrolling through his phone, a girl came up to him.

"Mitch? Oh my gosh, can we get a picture please? We're huge fans..." A girl with bright purple hair made the approach to talk to them, ringing her fingers nervously.

"Of course! You want Scott in it? Or he can take it..." Mitch asked, politely.

"My mom can take it... can you, Scott and Luca be in it?" She suggested.

"Yeah, Luca, babe, come take a picture with..." He paused, looking at the girl so she would tell him her name.

"Um, I'm Maya." She smiled at them.

They quickly took the photo, signing one of Maya's white T-Shirts and hugging her before they had to board their flight.

"Luca, go in front of me and follow daddy." Mitch said, grabbing his bag as well as Luca's.

Luca looked at Mitch with his big blue eyes and then followed his dad down the long hallway and into the plane where the attendants were greeting them.

Scott led them to their assigned seat, allowing Luca to take the window seat so he could look out the window.

"Mitch, do you want the middle or the end?" Scott asked while he put their carry-on bags in the over head compartment.

"I want the middle so I can hold Luca's hand." He giggled and took the middle seat.

Scott let Luca slip into the window seat next to Mitch and then he took the isle seat.

"Don't worry buddy, we'll be there before you know it." Mitch whispered, kissing the blonde ruffles on top of his head.

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