Chapter 12

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Filler :)))


Scott was asleep when Mitch woke up.

Scott had his arm wrapped around his waist and his legs tangled in between Mitch's own.

Mitch made his way out of his bed, careful not to wake the sleeping, shirtless blonde.

Mitch picked up one of Scott's oversized shirts on his way out to grab Luca and make breakfast.

Mitch grabbed the, surprisingly, sleeping baby, cradling till he awoke. Luca made small cooing noises, bringing his hand up to rub his eyes.

"Hey baby boy." Mitch smiled when Luca's eyes open and showed his bright blue eyes.

He took him out to the kitchen, placing in the bassinet that was sitting next to the cabinet. He began making breakfast for him and Scott, also warming up a bottle for Luca. He cooked some pancakes, bacon, eggs and sausage for Scott and put fruit in some yogurt.

Half way through the pancake batter, Mitch heard Scott groaning and getting out of bed.

"Mitchy?" Scott called from the hallway. "In the kitchen, honey." Mitch yelled back.

Scott waddled his way to the kitchen, sleep still apparent in his eyes, but shined with happiness when he saw Mitch.

"Hi, baby." He wrapped his arms around Mitch from behind as he kissed the smaller boys temple. "Whatcha making?" Scott asked.

"Just some pancakes for you and a yogurt for me."

"Just a yogurt?" Scott asked, slightly concerned.

"I need to lose some of this baby fat, Scott." Mitch answered, slightly angered.

Scott decided to back off, leaving the man alone, assuming he was moody because of the recent pregnancy.

Scott left the pantless boy and went over to the bassinet that Luca was sitting in, picking the baby up and looking at his tiny face.

"Oh my gosh, I made one beautiful baby." He said, to no one in particular. He heard Mitch chuckle in the kitchen.

"I helped!" Mitch yelled back. Scott just snickered and brought the baby and him into the kitchen. Mitch looked back at Scott with sad eyes.

"Sorry I snapped, I just feel like I gained so much weight with the birth. I promise I'll eat better, I just need to get rid of the baby fat." Mitch told Scott.

"It's okay, I just don't want something to happen. I don't want you all bony and skinny because you're so pretty the way you are." Scott smiled, reaching for Mitch's hand and pulled him into a soft kiss. "So pretty." Scott murmured against the smaller mans lips.

"You know I love you right?" Mitch said into the quiet air.

"I love you, too." Scott smiled.

"No not you, my baby." Mitch sneered, grabbing the baby out of Scott's arms, holding him in his own and kissed Luca's head. Scott pretended to be hurt, putting a hand over his heart and wiping away a fake tear.

"I'm so hurt." Scott said, whipping his 'hair' and his head around and sassy walking into the kitchen.

"Where's Luca's bottle, Mitch?" Scott called, Mitch walking into the kitchen seconds later.

"In the mircrowave, I put it in for too long, I was letting it cool down."  Scott nodded, grabbing the baby bottle and squeezing the bottle to check the temperature. He concluded that it was warm enough and fed Luca. His hands roamed up the bottle, attempting to hold the heavy bottle.

"I got it, baby. I'll hold it." Scott rocked the baby back and forth, smiling at the small noises he was making.

Mitch continued to make breakfast for Scott, humming a small song to himself, which of course Scott being Scott and Mitch being Mitch, they turned it into a full on singing session in the kitchen.

"Lay me down tonight!" Mitch flipped a piece of bacon, letting it cook some more.

"Lay me down tonight!" Scott copied, lowing his pitch for special effect.

"Can I lay by your side?" Mitch began to plate Scott's food for him, sadly ending the song.

"Babe? I like, really love your voice. Just letting you know." Scott complimented the Italian boy. Scott held Luca with one arm as he sat at the bar, still holding the bottle with his hand. "And your cooking, because honestly I can't make anything." Scott and Mitch laughed together.

Mitch and him are their food in a comfortable peace, enjoying each other's presence.

"Scotty? Can we just have a cuddle day today?" Mitch asked softly. Scott looked up from his food and smiled, nodding slightly.

"Anything you want, princess." Scott finished his food, placing his dirty dishes in the sink, along with Luca's finished bottle. Scott lifted the baby, tapping on his back lightly to burp the small child.

Mitch sat on the sofa, waiting for Scott to finish in the kitchen and come join him.

"What do you wanna watch babe?" Mitch called to Scott.

"Any things fine with me." Scott answered back.

"How's orange is the new black?"

"Great with me." 

Mitch opened the Netflix app on the tv, clicking on the show and letting it load, Scott coming in to join him seconds later. He set the baby in his jumper by the end of the couch and sat down next to Mitch, opening his arms and allowing the smaller boy to burrow into his neck. Scott kissed his head, Mitch popping his head up to kiss the other man on his lips.

Luca made small noises, making Mitch pick the baby up and cradle him in his arms while he and Scott watched a show on the couch.

Mitch was very content.

For now at least.

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