Chapter 2

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"K-Kirstie, I need you." Mitch sobbed into his phone, calling the only other person who cares about him.

"Mitchy? Honey, what's wrong? What happened?"

"Just c-come over please?" He asked, sniffling.

"I'll be over soon."


Mitch was engulfed in a hug by Kirstie when he answered the door.

He smiled weakly when she pulled away, attempting to examine my face. He handed her the test and waited for her reaction.

"Y-you're pregnant!" She practically gleamed with joy as she realized what the positive sign meant. He nodded, smiling slightly as she jumped up and down.

"I'm gonna be an aunt!" She stopped jumping once she realized he wasn't smiling anymore.

"What? Why aren't you happy?" She asked, trying to comfort him.

"Scott left." He whispered out to her. She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the couch, where she pulled him into her arms and allowed him to sob into her chest.

"I showed him the test...a-and he th-thought I was joking, l-like it was some prank." Mitch told her, gripping onto her shirt in anger.

"He just grabbed his phone, whispered and 'i'm sorry' and left." Kirstie just listened to his sobs that turned into sniffles after a while.

"M tired." He told her.

"Why don't you go to bed, while I go talk to Scott okay?" He shook his head.

"Can you stay with me please? Scott's usually my cuddle buddy." She just got up and walked to the door.

"I'll come back I promise. I just need to discuss this with him." Mitch nodded, figuring there was no point in arguing since she's just go anyways.

He slumped off the couch as she left and walked into him and Scott's bedroom. Mitch pulled the covers back, not even bothering to change, and got into the cold bed. He whimpered a bit before allowing the darkness to take over.



I called Scott, hoping for an answer of some sort.

"Scott?" I asked when the dial tones stopped.

"What d-do you want, Kristy." He mumbled out.

"Are you seriously drunk right now, Scott?"

"Maybe. Why do you even care?"

"Because your boyfriends having a baby and you just totally left him!" I screamed into the phone, not caring about the weird looks the people around me gave me.

"I'm not fit out to be a parent, kit. I can't even be an adult some of the time, let alone a parent." He had a hint of seriousness to his voice and it made me more sad.

"Where are you Scott?" I said, more calmly.

"At the bar, by our house."

I quickly walked over to the small bar and spotted Scott.

"Let's go, lover boy." I pulled Scott from his place at the bar, dropping a few dollars down as we left to his house.


Mitch was awoke later in the night by the door slamming shut. He figured it was Kirstie so he just stayed in bed. He heard some stumbling and her letting out a string of curse words.

"I can't go in there." Mitch heard a deep voice say.

"Why not?" Kirstie asks the person.

"He probably hates me." The voice speaks sadly.

Being in his half-awake state, Mitch couldn't identify the voice. But, once he felt the bed dip and someone slip in bed next to him, wrapping an arm across his waist, he knew it was Scott.

He subconsciously snuggled into the familiar warmth.

"See, you're fine. I'll be on the couch if you need me." Kirstie spoke into the silence.

He felt Scott nod and run is hand through his hair and kissed my head.

"I'm so sorry. I freaked out over nothing. I can't wait for out little bundle of joy." He said to Mitch. He didn't know if he knew Mitch was awake, but he let him speak.

"I am never letting you go." Mitch smiled at his words and fell asleep shortly after.

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