Ch 1 - A Death in the Family

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She ignored it, although the oddness of it seeped into her subconscious anyway. Kae sighed, tapping her fingers on the kitchen table in a rhythm she'd made up. She was 22 now. A couple weeks ago, actually. She wanted to feel something different. Then again, maybe not. She spent enough time wrapped in her own head as it was. And she was too happy here.

Even the funny little two-story ranch house pleased her. It was old. None of the off-white walls were quite straight, but they met as they should. Smells and sounds now and then defied definition. And it creaked like it had its own voice.

Conversely, you give her older sister, Diane, a matchstick and a nickel and she'd burn the place down. She chuckled to herself as she pictured Diane off to the side, holding a 6 foot novelty match and cackling as she was dragged away by white jackets as the house burned down. As her mental camera zoomed out, it was Gerald holding the match. She scowled. That was weird.

Someone coughed. Kae, lost in her own thoughts, had missed a cue. Again.


"It's your turn." Diane pointed at the re-purposed pickle jar on the kitchen table between them. The Weekly Challenge. She smiled. What near-death experience awaited them this week?

"You both added a new one?" Kae asked.

"Yes." Aiden, her best friend, sat smirking. He must have come up with a doozy. And it was her week to choose. Hopefully nothing that involved outdoor rock climbing this time.

"When is Gerald back?" Kae stalled.

"Tomorrow." Diane smiled bashfully.

Kae sighed. How could someone married 5 years still blush like a newlywed? She looked at Aiden and he shrugged.

When the phone rang, Kae leaned back in her chair. She sat closest, but wouldn't answer it. Never did. Diane scowled at her as she picked up the receiver.

Barely a heartbeat into the call, Diane's face lost all color. "Excuse me... say that again."

Kae and Aiden both watched as Diane eased the receiver back into its cradle and stood a moment. Her hands shook as she tucked some hair behind her ear.

"Sis, what?" Kae asked. Maybe she should have answered when it rang an hour and a half ago. The message light still flashed.

"Gerald is... um... they say he's dead." She didn't move.

Kae sat, dumbstruck.

"They want me to go to the police station and talk to someone. I forget the name," she said. "I... I need to go to the Olds hospital. I need to see him."

Kae suspected she should say something else, but what?

"But what happened?"

Diane's arms started trembling, then her shoulders, as she stood staring blankly across the room.

Uh oh, Kae sighed. Wrong words again. She tried another question.

"Want me to drive?"

Diane stood silent, quivering in place.

"Your purse is at the front door."

Kae steered Diane toward the exit before grabbing her own purse and jacket.

"I'll drive," Aiden said. Kae nodded at him, grateful.

"No radio. I'd hate to hear about this on the news," Kae whispered.

The drive was eerily silent. She didn't have the words for this situation and Aiden didn't talk a lot. She looked over at him, grateful he'd volunteered.

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