Ch 25 - Connections

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The early morning highway was busy truckers rushing to distant locations, but she was just glad Drew agreed to meet them. He wanted breakfast out though. That was a funny switch to her. The early morning frost gave the planet a bleak tone, reminding Kae she ought to have brought gloves. She could use the ones in her kit but they weren't meant for outdoor use. Aiden had been quiet after she finished dictating her theories.

"You thing I'm crazy, right?"

He shook his head but said nothing.

"Did I miss anything in the recording?"

"No, but you've changed my mind."

"How so?" She asked.

"People are still at risk. The church has changed over, so Trudy failed. How did she keep her job, and why she would want to?"

"They're still transitioning. I think there is a probation period. The concept of false prophets makes everyone nervous, and this isn't as simple as hanging a new sign. I suspect Trudy will stay and try to get enough people on her side to revert back or find a way to subvert the process."

"Murder notwithstanding."

"She is like those people who act nice and friendly and seem so thoughtful on the outside, but then they use that niceness to manipulate and control their situation. The psychotic part is when Trudy used that to justify things like what she did to Gerald."

"Except for the murder part, it's pretty common. People don't see they're being used, or they're okay with it." He looked out the window.

"Human nature. They back the one who will bring them what they want. It's manipulation masquerading as reciprocal altruism."

Shrugging, he continued. "It's like that with my family. When the manipulator doesn't get what they want, the arguments start."

His mom. Should she ask what happened while he was overseas, or let it go? Tough question.

"Did your mom get back to Korea okay?"

"Yes. Dad says she needs his permission to disown me, so I shouldn't worry."

Kae never knew what she should or shouldn't say to that. Their home life seemed complicated.

"You've got me. And my family loves you." Her heart jumped a bit when she said it, when she remembered last night. She bit her lip, preferring to say nothing else along those lines. He would know it's true. She reached over and took his hand, trying to comfort him a little bit.

He kissed the back of her hand before letting it go. Her heart fluttered and she stared straight ahead, hoping he didn't notice her blush.

Reaching the diner a couple minutes later, they went inside and looked ask for Drew's table. He waved them over to a corner with windows on both sides. Nice spot, Kae thought, but not what she expected. He was practically on display. Maybe this was so people could see when he was already in a 'meeting'.

"This is Aiden," she said as they sat. "Thanks for meeting us so early."

"Not a problem. I assume you've brought your friend up to date?"

She nodded. "On the way here."

"I assume you want to get right to the point." He smiled. "That seems to be your style."

"Well, if you don't mind."

"Frankly, I'm glad you called, if only to get me out of the office for something not entirely work related. That seems to be all people want to talk about lately. So much for saving souls." He tsked. "We'll get back on track, soon. We'd better."

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