Ch 10 - Relationally Speaking

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The smell of roast chicken and gravy met them at the door when they got back. Candice met her at the door with a hug and a questioning glance at Sam.

"You've been gone 6 hours - I'm guessing you have news?" She waited, knowing Kae would eventually answer.

Aiden stepped around the corner with a strange look on his face. He looked... angry, she thought. "Glad you're okay," he said, then looked at Sam.

"I'll update you after we tend to our newest family member." Kae held up the burlap bag. "Where's Diane?"

"Not here. Said she had errands." Candice said. "What's in the bag?"

Aiden stood, still staring at her then leaned on a wall, watching. She wasn't sure what was going on. She looked at her mother, confused. "Becca's kitten, from her house. I'm turning it loose in her room. Is she there?"

"Yes, playing a slide puzzle game."

"Can you get a couple dishes out for cat food and water?" She asked.

Sam cleared his throat. "Okay, I'm out of here." He gave the toys to Candice and waved himself off. "See you in the funny papers, Kae!" he called out as he left.

"I thought he hated you." Candice whispered as they headed down the hallway to Becca's room. "What's changed that?"

"Mutual self-interest." Kae was more interested in getting this cat out of the bag than explaining they broke into a house. She swallowed hard. "Why worry about Sam?" Was it because Aiden was here? She glanced at him, hoping he'd stopped scowling. She wondered why she felt guilty. It's not like she was interested in Sam, romantically or otherwise. Or like Aiden had any of those feelings for her.

"I called Aiden when I couldn't reach you."

"Logical." Kae nodded and lifted the kitten out of the bag. The kitten began to mew loudly. "Maybe I should go explain. I didn't leave him out on purpose. He knows that, right?"

"Give him time to calm down. And start answering your cellphone. We were pretty worried."

"Moxie?" Becca came running into the hall. "Moxie!" Becca reached up to take the kitten. "Is my mom here?"

"No, sweetie. We just thought that because she's been delayed, Moxie should wait here, too." Candice said. "I'm sure she'll be along as soon as she can."

"Oh, and she's been in the neighbor's garden."

"Oh, Moxie," Becca scolded, shaking one finger in front of her face, "You know how grumpy Mrs. Teevers gets." Then she leaned forwarded and softly rubbed her face in the Moxie's fur. In a quiet voice, she said, "I missed you."

Kae couldn't wait any more. She had to find Aiden. See why he was so upset with her. He wasn't in the kitchen any more. She ran out the front door and scanned the horizon towards his house. Could she catch up on foot, or should she get a horse? Sapphire was okay to ride without a saddle.

She looked towards the barn. There was a silhouette against the fence near the barn. Aiden. She stood still a moment, then started walking over. Her mind wanted to bind up on her, to stop thinking, but she needed to find the right words to explain. Apologizing would be the best approach, right?

At the fence, she stood next to him, arms at her side, not quite sure what to say. They stood in silence, Aiden leaning forward, arms crossed over the top of the fence, Kae hovering, almost talking then closing her mouth.

"Sorry to worry you," she finally said. "I'm tough though, you know. Years of taekwondo, cat-like reflexes, and keen instincts." She stood next to him, wanting to reassure him somehow.

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