Ch 20 - Back Again

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A limited number of people knew about the binder. There was nothing risky about asking a few questions here and there, right? And these were church folk – some were odd, but she doubted any one of them were homicidal.

She reached the church at about one o'clock. Her stomach had a few butterflies. The parking lot was surprisingly full for a Tuesday. How could she ask questions that would get the answers she needed without tipping anyone off? She didn't want Gerald's killer running, hiding, but if someone did disappear, she'd know for sure who to chase.

As she approached the main entrance, she noticed the sign on the door said members meeting in main sanctuary.

That would certainly limit her chatting choices. She went in anyway. There were a couple chairs in the main office intended for people waiting to talk to one of the pastors. She sat down in one and pulled out her notebook.

What was this meeting about? Were they voting again? This might be an opportunity, she realized. Everyone was busy. She could get a little snoopy, and no one would be the wiser. If she got caught, she'd wing it.

The receptionist's desk was closest. She flipped through the pages and papers stacked on the desk. All she needed was who was where around the days of Gerald's death. That would clear some names off her suspect list.

Trudy had a day planner open on her desk. Too easy, Kae chuckled inwardly. Pulling out her phone, she flipped to the days in question and took a picture before returning the book to its place. What else did she need? She was pretty sure the motive was about this church changeover.

That was why she was hired. To get to the truth about who was on which side. The fact that it helped her pro-bono work was a bonus. There should be meeting notes, or minutes somewhere around here form the meeting before this.

There was a bookshelf with binders on it, and one was labeled minutes. Bingo. She was about to pull it off the shelf when she heard traffic in the hallway.

She quickly sat back down and pretended to be reading through magazine. When she looked up, Trudy, Sean and Drew walked back in the room. None of them were smiling. Drew nodded as he went past.

"What can we do for you, Kae?" Trudy practically snapped.

"Hi, Trudy." Kae stood up. "How did your meeting go?"

"About as expected."

"Can I ask what it was about?"

"Sorry, church members only." Sean answered.

"I gathered that from the sign. Will this be part of the public records eventually?"

"Not likely." Sean glanced at Trudy who shrugged. "Just sorting through some leadership issues."

"I was hoping you had a few minutes to talk, Drew. I have some questions. Ecclesiastical ones." She called after him. "Unless this is a bad time."

Sean walked out of the room into the back.

"I'll check Drew's schedule, but he may want time to sort through what just happened." Trudy looked the direction Sean had gone. "And don't bother trying to get information out of him. He's Fort Knox."

Kae nodded, certain he would make time for her. This was his idea after all.

As Trudy left, she slowly closed the door. Kae was tempted to roll her eyes over it, but simply posed a cover question to put Trudy's mind at ease. "Drew, could you answer a question for me... doesn't it seem like we're romanticizing God when people pray at the beginning and end of the day as a reminder that God is the beginning and the end? Does that really seem necessary?"

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