Ch 23 - A Necessary Diversion

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Kae was a little nervous. They both knew she disliked noise and chaos. Aiden usually came here alone. To blow off stress, he said. He called it Auditory Therapy. Well, he definitely needed that tonight.

The club music was louder than she expected. It would be hard to talk, but that was fine by her. She wasn't feeling chatty anyway. When they stopped at the bar, she didn't know what to order so she picked a random item from a list on a blackboard behind the bartender.

"I saw a couple friends here. Let's go sit with them." Aiden said as he led her to a circular booth where a couple sat.

"This is Dean, a friend of mine, and Clara, a friend of his." Aiden introduced the two and let Kae sit first.

"Harsh, Aiden." Clara laughed. "We can be friends too, you know," she winked then grabbed Dean's hand, pulling him as she stood. "I want to get a dance in before you and Aiden get talking!"

Kae took a sip of her drink and nearly gagged. What was in this thing? She leaned to look at it in the dim and flashing lights. Light brown... something... on ice. She should have paid attention to the name so she could add it to her Never Again list.

Aiden touched her arm. "Wait here. I'll get you something else."

Kae sat back and waited, closing her eyes. The sound vibrations hitting her were simultaneously stimulating and relaxing. This was new, and a good idea. They could simply hang out, sit, without conversational expectations. It was a perfect way to get her mind off things.

Dean came back from the dance floor alone. He sprawled as he sat, putting him a little too close for Kae's comfort.

"So, how long have you two known each other?" Dean leaned over, making her lean away.

"Years." She looked for Clara and saw her dancing with someone else. She sighed. Small talk with strangers. This wasn't what she had in mind when Aiden suggested they go out somewhere.

"Cool, so you're friends."

"Of course." She took another sip of her drink, even though she didn't like it. "We're neighbors." She should have asked for water, but didn't want to seem like a freak in front of Aiden's friends. She looked around for him.

"Oh, that's you? I've known him for about three years. I think I know him pretty well, but you... you I'd like to get to know." Dean touched her hair, taking a few strands and rolling them between his fingers. "Is this your natural color?"

"Yes." She pulled her hair together and out of his hands, gathering into a twist before putting it down her far shoulder. She slid away from him then put her head against the bench and closed her eyes, blocking him out. Whether Dean got the hint, or if he stopped because Clara was back, she didn't care. She was just relieved she wouldn't have to hurt him.

A moment later Aiden returned, passing her a small blue and green drink in an oddly shaped glass. "I think you'll like this one. It's not as sweet. Go slow though - it's pretty strong."

She leaned forward, puzzled. The colors swirled around each other, but never mixed together. "Interesting!" She took a sip. It didn't taste overtly like alcohol but she couldn't figure what it did taste like. Interesting. She took another sip.

Half an hour later Dean had been on and off the dance floor almost constantly. She'd been asked but refused. Aiden sat next to her, also turning down offers. That made her smile. She wanted to be out, not alone. Dancing didn't matter, even if it would be fun.

Table talk was about others friends, local gossip, things Kae had no frame of reference for. She listened, smiled, stared across the shifting crowd.

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