Ch 14 - Changes

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As Kae pulled into her driveway she saw a truck towing a livestock trailer parked near the barn. It looked like Aiden's. Hopefully he hadn't waited long – she'd left her cellphone behind on purpose and now felt a twinge of guilt.

Aiden walked around from the other side of the truck toward her.

"You'll hear talk in town, but I wanted to tell you in person. My parents will be trying to sell off what they can – furniture, ranch equipment, horses. They want it all gone so all they have each is two suitcases and a travel crate."

She tilted her head slightly to one side. "I don't understand." Was this the information Sam was hinting at before? "This seems sudden." She was surprised by the spike in anxiety she felt.

"They've had it planned for a while, but never settled on a date. They told me this morning. They're moving back to Korea, permanently."

She physically shook a couple times and sat on her heels. "And you're going?" Small towns had this happen a lot. New people rarely lasted more than five years, victims of a sub-culture that said you had to be born there or die there to be from there. His family had been here much longer.

"My grandparents called – they expect me to go just long enough to 'experience the culture' firsthand. I've never met them, and I'd like to." He handed Kae a folded paper. "I want you to have Scooter. I need to know he's got a good home."

Kae stood, her thoughts racing. "Wait, how long will you be gone?"

"I've agreed to one semester at the University of Seoul." He shrugged. "That's not long. I get the feeling that if I don't go, I'll regret it."

"I have to agree." This was serious. He had the transfer of ownership papers filled out, ready to mail.

She started thinking things through. What if she bought his ranch? She had the money. She hadn't told her family, but she'd patented a couple fairly techy things while in college, and they'd turned out to be valuable. That money sat in an investment account and just kind of piled up, adding a healthy amount of interest every month. Not that she'd let him know. So that wouldn't work.

He looked away, his expression going from sad to angry to resigned. She didn't want to look at him, but couldn't help herself.

"It won't be long. One semester." He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

"Scooter will be here waiting, so you'd better be back."

"I need you to stay with your mom and sister, until I get back." He looked her straight in the eyes.

She nodded, wondering why he was suddenly acting like this.

"Steer clear of Sam," he said.

"Sam? Why Sam?"

"I don't trust him."

"Okay." She was shocked by the intensity behind Aiden's words. "Sam isn't even what I'd consider a friend. We just have mutually beneficial skills."

Aiden visibly relaxed.

As the reality of the situation sank in, she blinked a couple times. She couldn't let this be about her. It would hurt too much.

"Okay. I'll go, but just so you have nothing to keep you from being successful there. You won't have to worry."

He stared at her a moment, thinking, but not talking.

"When do you leave?" she asked, trying to keep the worry she felt out of her voice.


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