Ch 9 - Break and Enter

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The house stood plain and close, too big for its lot, like the others around it. Kae set her cellphone to silent and stuck it in her back pocket. "Bad time for a call to come in." She hinted. Sam turned his to silent as well.

They walked, trying to seem casual. At the main entrance, they rang the bell then tested the door to see if it was locked. Nothing opened. No one answered.

"Wish we could go in and pack a few things for Becca, since she won't be living here anymore." Kae said, loudly, just in case.

It was tempting to break a window, but then she'd have to call a repairman.

"I'll check the back. See if there's a doggie door, or a hidden key." Kae said.

Sam nodded and started rummaging through his coat pocket.

Kae circled around to the back of the house. A strange shape on the outside of a window sill caught her eye. A tiny black cloth bag. She leaned in to see if there were any wires or threads coming off it, going into the house. She couldn't see any.

The smell coming off the little bag reeked like dog repellent. Kae opened it anyway. Odd. The item inside looked like a small listening device. Easy enough. Kae popped the back off and pulled out a tiny battery before continuing to the back door.

Kae turned the handle but it wouldn't open. She walked around to the front again in time to see Sam swing the front door open, inward. He stood with a grin as he put a small leather tool case into a pocket.

"I didn't drive all the way out here to stand outside chatting with the neighbors." He stepped inside.

"You'll have to show me how to do that someday." She grinned. That could be a handy thing to know. "I'm always locking myself out of things. The house, the truck... if it locks, I'll be on the wrong side when it closes." Then again, she'd probably lock the tools inside. She showed him the listening device before pocketing it. He nodded and went inside.

They entered the home, cautious. Kae calmed her breathing. If there was a boyfriend who slept through or ignored doorbells, they could have a real situation on their hands. They split up to do a quick check. The inside was clear of listening devices. Still, they stayed silent. Her heightened senses quickly proved they were alone.

"This place is practically empty," she whispered. "Like they are almost done moving out, or just started moving in."

Sam shrugged. "Could be a minimalist." He wandered the opposite direction.

She found a room with soft pink walls, a child's bed with cheerful blankets and pillows, shelves full of dolls, piles of stuffed animals and toys. The opposite of minimalist. If gifts were compensating for absence, Mom was gone a lot.

Would the sitter's contact information be in the kitchen? Kae picked up a few that looked like they sat in special spots, hoping that meant they had greater meaning to Becca then headed to the kitchen.

"Find anything?" she asked.

Sam was going through a drawer of papers. "Just the usual bills. A church potluck flier. Nothing nefarious," he said.

"Which church?"

He pulled it out and handed it to her.

Downton. Odd name for a church, she thought.

"This may help. Any sign of a computer?" he asked.

"Not that I could find. Lots of exercise equipment though. You'd think someone that buff would be harder to kill off." She looked through the papers she had laying by the phone, hoping for the sitter's number on something. "Whoever did it is either pretty clever, or pretty tough. I wouldn't want to meet them in a dark alley, either way." She noticed a paper with a familiar logo and pulled it out. Gerald's company stationary? It was blank. She kept it in case a pencil rubbing would reveal a clue.

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