In his eyes

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Wow she asked me about what I liked.
That's a first.
Ms. Caddenhouf has been talking to my class about her new hamster Fred, for the last 15 minutes.
When does this class end?
All the sudden I felt a nudge behind me.
It was this kid jake. I've been talking to him he's pretty cool, haven't decided if I should talk to him more though.
"Pst Luke, you going to that party tonight? I heard kristy was going!"
I looked over at ms.caddenhouf to make sure she wasn't paying attention to me, then turned towards jake.
"There's a party? And why would I care about kristy?"
"She's the hottest girl in the school and I've seen her check you out in the hall. Also yes there's a party and you're going, no buts." He replies quickly
"I'll think about it jake, when is it?" I ask
"Tonight. Don't you listen when I talk to you , I said that earlier."
"Sorry I forgot. Look I'll think about it, is it at your place?"
"No, it's at kristys." He says while taking a piece of paper out then checking to see if hamster lady was looking, then wrote down the address. "Here, luke I really think you should go. You can meet everybody there."
"Fine jake, but I'm not staying long."
"That's alright with me!"
"Hey you two! Would you like to tell the class what you're talking about?" Yells our crazy  teacher.
"No miss" we both answer sharply.

When the bell rang I flew into the hall.

I saw her leaving her classroom, I waved at her but she just nodded.
I didn't think she was going to that party so I didn't ask her.
"Excuse me you're in front of my locker!"
I turn around to see a girl with gigantic breasts literally touching me.
I step back and she says " are you going to my party after school?"
"Yeah, is that okay? Jake invited me."
"Look if jakes your friend then you're mine too, it's alright for you to come just be on time." I could tell she was a bitch, she's the one who bullies Eliza. I should call her out on it right here right now.
But I chose not to.
I turned around and walked to class then I was pulled into a empty classroom.

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