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I opened the door and she stood there chin up proudly with a stern look on her face. Like she was about to yell at me. As soon as she was about to speak I pulled her body towards my chest and hugged her tightly laying my head on the top of hers while her ear pressed against my pecks.
"I am truly sorry Eliza. I will never do this such of thing ever again, for you."
I felt tears well up in my eyes " I'm so so sorry I put you in that position..."
She turned to look up at me to yell back at me but seeing the state I was in she backed off.
Looking down at her toes she says "don't ever do that to me again." Mumbling.
I shake my head saying yes and sit down on my bed. She sits next to me resting her head on my arm.
"I was about to binge watch seven different movies." I say smiling looking at her.
She starts giggling and holds my arm.
"Do you want to join me?" I ask
"Sure Luke."
Hey if you don't like make out sessions I would skip this part below!!!
Third movie in we were laid down next to each other. She was so close to me I felt her breath. In a moment we both turn our heads and face each other.
Her beautiful hazel eyes sparkled in the dark room.
I move my face in to her and we share a passionate kiss. Heat grew throughout my whole body. When we stop kissing I wanted to even more. Now both staring at each other eyes locked we connect again and again. I pull her to me and she does the same. Her cheeks grew bright red when we stopped kissing and she pulled my face back to hers.
We sat there together for what it felt like five minutes. Then she pushes me back and looks away from me. I try to pull her back but she stood up.
" I think I'm going to go." She says looking down at the wall.
I stand up and look down at her placing my hands on her cheeks I pull her in for a steamy heartwarming kiss.
" don't go." I say with a straight face staring into both of her eyes as she does the same to me.
"Lu-" I kiss her again
"Are you going to keep interrupting my sentences with kisses so I stay?"
I smirk at her and pull her in tight to my body and place my lips onto hers again.
"I guess so" she says laying back down spin the bed smirking in a dirty way.
I kiss her neck all over hoping I don't leave a hickey. Then make it to her lips again. After our fun, she lay sound asleep in my spoon position next to her.

Hey look you made it through there steaminess! Please continue!
It wasn't that bad right?

I was supposed to go to school the next day but when I woke up Eliza was gone. She probably went to school. I went downstairs and heard sizzling. My dad was making French toast and bacon and Eliza was sitting at the kitchen table.
I sat next to her and she smiled at me and I did back as well.
"Certainly quiet at the table today!" Says my dad placing our food in front of us.
Eliza then turned that scarlet read color but it went up to the tip of her ears this time.
"I'll be dropping you two off late today. So we will go to Eliza's so she can get ready, Luke after you're done go wash up and get dressed and we will be on our way." Says my mom like a drill sergeant instructing his men.
After I ate and got dressed we drove to Eliza's and she got dressed and we were on our way.
When we got to school we parted ways and went to class. A couple kids asked me about the bandages I just said to them a skate board incident and left it at that.
I sat through all 9 classes including lunch, Eliza wasn't there because she had cello lessons. Kristy stopped me and questioned me about being a skater, I just said why do you think I fell?
Eliza hasn't gotten deep into telling me about how she and kristy were bestfriends because I can tell they were and that kristy wants that back again. But, obviously Eliza does not.
When the day ended I walked out of the school and home with Eliza who was staying for dinner. My parents love her which is great. I'm glad I feel the same way too.

I guess you can say I was lost in my thoughts and she found me.

Hello again! Sorry if these last two chapters seemed a little dull to you and short. I've been pretty busy lately. But any who I hoped you enjoyed them!

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