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By the time I got home after dropping Luke off it was 10:46.
I stepped inside my house and it reeked of liquor.
"Dad? I'm home"
I stepped into the living room and he was passed out on the couch.
I made sure to be as silent as possible when I went upstairs because when he is drunk and I came home late. Not fun.
I got dressed and laid in my bed, then heard him grunt from downstairs.
"Eliza?" My door creaked open and I pretended to sleep.
"Probably fucking snuck through her window." He says forcefully slamming the door.
I jump a little and turn to lay on my back. Even though my moms a cheating rich bitch I'd rather live with her. My dad is an abuser well sorta. He'll hit me when he's drunk but that's it. It hasn't gotten to the point were he left bruises or marks though.

Why is Luke my friend?
No one wants to be my friend, it's the truth. I'm a hateful prick that's a piece of trash. I'll lose him at some point. I used to be friends with kristy. Actually bestfriends. But then I decided I liked bands and wearing comfy dark clothes that don't make my boobs pop out, she left me. I hate her. Worse than my dad. I sound like a rebellious teenager what happened to my life.
Hopefully Luke stays. Hopefully.
What if he forgets about me. What if I lose him. I don't think I can lose another person.
I started feeling loopy and dizzy. I'm going to cry oh god.
I started hyperventilating.
I'm crying. Tears pour down my face. I lay on my side and wait till I sleep.

I wake up in the morning with dried tears on my face.
I walk out into the kitchen and my dad is still passed out. It's Saturday morning so he doesn't have work and I don't have school. I decided to make a breakfast for him so he wakes up to the smell of bacon.
"Mm what's the delicious aroma?" My dad says in a French accent sitting up clutching his head.
"It's your favorite, chocolate chip waffles with bacon and eggs?" I answer handing him a Motrin and a glass of water.
"What time did you come home last night sweetie?" He says in suspicion.
"Uh around 8:30 or 9:00."
"Hm I didn't hear you."
"You were sleeping in the couch so I didn't want to wake you"
"Alright..." He says stuffing his face with egg.
"Where did you go el?"
My shoulders tensed " I.. I went to a party! But for a bit I went home quickly when they started spin the bottle!"
"Honey honey, calm down as long as you didn't do anything inappropriate for your age it's fine."
I untense myself.
"Okay, dad I'm going out to walk around the park, is that alright?"
"Sure hon, be careful."
I walk out the front door and hop in my car and ride over to the park.
I sit down on the bench and watch the dog walkers pass by.
I'm alone.
Thank god. He scared me with all his questions I was sure I was grounded.

From far away I saw a boy playing catch with his dad, and A mom on the phone while her daughter is getting dirty in a sand box crying.
I'm getting nostalgia.
My brother is in college with his girlfriend and as soon as he gets out they're moving and getting married.
He's always been the favorite child. But I love him. He cared for me when our mom and dad didn't.
I take out my phone and shoot a text to him.

Hey big bro.

Hey lil sis.

How's college?

It's amazing. Wish you were here. How's dad?

Still an alcoholic. Have you talked to mom

Wow not much as changed, is he hitting you?! No I haven't talked to her.

Only when he's drunk and I'm home late, no bruises though, and okay.
I hate him for that, she's probably off smooching her boyfriend Steven.
Probably. Hey I'm going to go big bro.

Alright lil sis. Love you.

Love you too Dan.

The bench moved a bit, someone sat next to me.
I look over and see him.

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