The Next Day

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Of course I woke up first.

Just my luck right?

I gingerly unwrapped myself out of his embrace and rushed downstairs.

'he didn't come here for just a sleepover' i think to myself.

"shit." I whisper to myself as a drop a raw egg to the floor, causing the yoke to goo the whole place up.

" you okay?"  Hunter stood there with sleepy eyes and bed head.

then he quickly realized what I had just done and giggled to himself.

"always the clumsy one." he says laughing to himself and then grabbing a napkin to help me clean up the crime scene.

" yeah I guess you could say so.. Hunter we need to talk."

"oo that's never a good sign. whats up el?"

"its just.. I brought you here last night as a test. I wanted to see what you planned on doing for the night-"

"Let me guess, I blew it by know.."

" well yeah" I say laughing awkwardly.

" Please tell me that's not my last chance to prove to you that you should choose me?"

" Thats what I had in mind..."

Hunter was now fully awake and was holding my hands

"eliza please.." he says with a short breath

"Hunter your'e making this very difficult for me.

"I'm sorry Eliza please.. i thought you would've been okay with it! I did stop when you asked! you cant throw me off the boat like this!"

" Hunter please stop yelling. My dad is still asleep."

"yeah whatever Eliza. I know you like Luke you don't need to make up some game to kick me out.."

Hunter says pushing past Eliza, putting his shoes on, and slinging his backpack that was sitting by the door on.

"Hunter please.. can we please talk about this?"

"Ill see you at school Eliza.."

then the front door slammed shut.

I look down at my favorite gray sweatpants now covered in egg yoke

"Fucking dammit!"

I quickly march upstairs and shut myself into my bathroom for my morning shower

'why am I like this?'

I think as I slide my back down the wet shower wall, to only sit and ponder of what ill do next..

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