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I'm not really sure who to choose.
They both are ... Just amazing.
Luke stood by me throughout school but, me and hunter.... Me and hunter were going to run away and get married. I don't know anymore.
Hey it's Luke, can we go to the park today? We need to talk about this hunter guy.
Yeah, sure okay. That's fine.
You're going to stay with me right? Eliza?
Yeah yeah obviously. I say with a small nervous chuckle.
Alright well I'll meet you there.

I get ready then hop on my bike and ride down to the park.
When I get there I see hunter and Luke looking at each other furiously in the eyes.
I walk up close but not to close so they can't see me.
"Luke dude you left and now she's with me."
" I loved her and still do way before you, that's the girl I'm marrying!" Hunter answers
"Well she's dating me."
" huh well how much do you know about her huh? What's her favorite food, color, animal, vacation area or movie? Huh can you answer those?"
"Well I know she like the colors red and black and she likes to eat pizza with meatballs..."
"What about her birthday, which hospital was she born in. What about how she's scared of lightning so when there's a storm you call her and comfort her."

I step out of where I'm hiding and lukes eyes widen.
"-or how whenever she yawns her eyes tear up and look like crystals, and when she was three she fell off a deck and got a scar on her shoulder from a piece of broken beer glass???"
"What luke?!"
"She's here..."
Hunter turns around to find me now with a tear falling down my cheek.
He rushes over to comfort me but I turn away.
"I have to make my decision. I love that you remembered those things, it makes me happy. But Luke and I just got together, but... I love you. But I have feeling towards Luke too."
"I get it you are choosing Luke." Hunter says looking at his shoes
"I'm choosing no one."
"What?!" Luke and hunter say at the same time.
"I can't be put in this position." I say while Luke steps towards me but I run off and hop onto my bike and ride off.

When I got home I bursted into tears and ran into my room.
I lay down in my bed face into the pillow.
I wait for the phone calls, text messages, and whatever way of contacting me.
I wait for the loud storm tonight and about 100 miss calls from Hunter and Luke.
I wait.

I fall asleep for the night and end up waking up at 4:37 in the morning to loud crashes and pouring rain.
I turn over to check my phone and see 15 miss calls from hunter and a 4 text messages questioning if I'm alright. The last one reading from 2 minutes ago saying
"I'm on my way"
I walk down stairs knowing my dads not home and that I can't let him sit in the rain and sit on my couch waiting.
"I'm here"
I open the door to see him soaking wet standing in front of me.
"Oh my god hunter you're dripping!"
I rush him inside and go grab him a towel.
" I ran here."
"You don't need to comfort me I learned how to myself after you left."
" I don't care I will always be here for you Eliza"
"Sit down hunter please, I'll get you hot chocolate."
Then hunter stands up dropping his towel
" I don't want hot chocolate Eliza, I want you."
I stand and stare at him
"I want to marry you. I want to have a family with you. I want to go on long car rides to buffalo with you."
"Eliza I would risk my life for yours to be safe."
"Hunter stop."
"Eliza I love you"
Hunter was so close to me now I felt his breath.
I stare up into his big round eyes staring back at mine.
"I love you too hunter."
I say as he tries to kiss me but I look away but then he grabs my face and pulls me in to kiss me.
His lips are cold from the rain on my warm lips. His eyes now closed. Passionately kissing me. I got lost in his world.
He lay me down on the couch and starts kissing my neck and all over.
I try to stop him but I couldn't. We went up into my room and lay on the bed now facing the ceiling coiled up together.
Every time I jumped from thunder he pulled me in more.
I fell asleep in his arms that night.

The next morning I woke up and hunter wasn't there.
I heard him and my dad talking downstairs. But not in any mad way.
I crept down the stairs quietly.
"I will keep her safe sir I promise."
" you better hunter."
"Thank you sir. I will go check on her"
I walk down pretend yawning and rubbing my eyes.
"Oh uh dad."
"Me and hunter had a great chat I'm glad he's back in town! I made you two waffles so eat up."
I sit at the table and look at hunter
"What were you guys talking about?"
"Oh nothing much just talking about why I moved back yah know."
He says while stuffing his face.

Hunter what are you thinking?

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