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I don't want to run from him but I feel some what ashamed.
Or guilty...
Hunter and I go way back and I just ditched Luke for him.
Maybe I shouldn't be with anyone.
Maybe I should just stay home tomorrow.
Hopefully I'll get forgotten if I stay home a week.
Maybe I'll just die.
No I can't think like that. I'm being greedy and selfish. Leaving Luke like that would destroy him.

As I run through the halls thinking like this not even realize where I'm going. Tears stream down my face. I'm sobbing.
I decide to smash into the girls room and sit in a stall.

"Are you okay?" I hear an unfamiliar voice ask me from outside the stall.
"Yes I'm fine."
"You don't sound like you're fine, come on out."
I stand up trembling a little and open the stall door to step out.
"My names skylar. Call me sky!"
She says holding both arms out for a hug.
I hesitantly embrace her back. The warmth made me not want to let go.
"Some people just need hug. Now what's your name?"
"Well Eliza, what seems to be the problem?"
"Boy drama."
"Oh are you in a fight with him."
"No well sorta it's one of those situations were I have to choose a boy out of two."
"Hmm and you like them both, I'm guessing. What made you cry?"
" I just can't choose and now I'm with one but the other hugged me and said for me to never leave. I might as well choose none of them!"

"I had a situation like this with my girlfriend Jane. I had to chose between her and this girl Winnie. They were both nice but I chose jade. The reason was when I looked into her eye I saw love when I laid next to her in bed. When I laid with Winnie I saw lust."

" that's a smart idea I might try that." I say hugging her again.
"Thank you sky, here have this"
I hand her a slip of paper with my number on it to her and run out of the bathroom then crashing into hunter.

"Hunter oh my god, okay I'm coming to your house after school to sleep over."
"Oh well I mean if you want to do that I-"
"Hunter shut up I've determined how to figure out who to choose!"
"I thought you chose me?"
"About that..." I say then running off to class.
"Eliza I swear!"
I was to far off to hear what he was saying but I sure damn don't care.

After going to my last period I went home and waited a few hours because we have to be in a bed which means at night and I have no patients .
Later on rushed to make a sleep over bag and ran out the door to my car.
I driver over to hunters and ran up to the door and knocked proudly.
"Hey I thought you said after school?" Hunter says opening the door.
"I said sleepover." I say pushing in to great his parents.
After that we went to his room and played checkers and watched a movie in bed.
When it was over he got up and shut off the tv then light.
He takes off his shirt and puts on his sweat pants for bed and lays next to me.

Finally we are side by side with a perfect ray of moonlight hitting his face.
Now at this moment we are both staring intently into each other's eyes.
Hunter then smirks squinting his right eye a little and starts to lift my shirt.
I swat his hand and frown at him.
"Isn't this how you wanted to tell?"
"No hunter, it was the opposite."
"Oh el I'm sorry I misunderstood I promise to not do that again."
"It's alright."
" can I hold you till we fall asleep though?"
I smile and nod.

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