Chapter 20: The Hunt

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Mitch's POV

I just jerked off for the first time. For the very first time in my life. And let me tell you, it was amazing! I felt so good afterwards. But then the awkwardness had to ruin it. I'm glad I talked with Scott about it though. I don't think it's going to be that awkward now.

"Mitch?" Scott's voice sounds from downstairs.

"Yeah?" I walk down the stairs to Scott, hugging him. He leans down and pecks my lips, then my cheeks. I giggle, he is so sweet. He kisses my dimples, before stepping away from me.

"Hi cutie." He grins brightly at me. Someone is in a good mood.

"Hey gorgeous." I reply. I laugh at his red cheeks. He is wearing a tanktop which shows off his gorgeous biceps.

"So I have good news." My eyes snap to his eyes again. "I'm releasing Lincoln today."

I let out a squeal and jump in his arms. My legs wrap around his waist. "Yay!" I repeatedly kiss his cheek.

Later that day Scott goes to the cells to free Lincoln. I was allowed to say goodbye, but Scott didn't want me in the cells for too long. Lincoln said he may have an idea where his brother is so he is going to search him now.

We don't really do much the rest of the day. Just a little cuddling. I'm watching movies while Scott works on his laptop.

I fall asleep during a movie called 'friends with benefits'. I liked the movie but it was 4th or 5th that day so I was very tired. I'm half asleep when I feel Scott's arms around me, lifting me up. He carries me upstairs to the bedroom in bridal style.

"Mitchie?" Scott's voice interrupts the quiet.

I don't answer because I want to sleep.

"I know this is early in our relationship but I love you. I truly do and I care so much about you." My heart to beat rapidly. He loves me? I'm very awake suddenly.

"I love you too." I mumble sleepily.

Scott gasps, "I thought you were asleep!" His hand starts to pet my hair. I lazily smile. "I can't imagine a life without you anymore." He says quietly.

"Me neither." I whisper in the darkness. His lips on my cheek are the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

The annoying sound of an alarm clock wakes me up. I try to silence it but I don't know where the thing is. I just randomly slap on the table next to the bed.

"Scott." I groan, I still can't find the alarm clock. Scott is basically star fishing, he lays half on top of me.

Scott just keeps snoring, not giving a sign of waking up. I weakly push his shoulder. It's morning and he's 10 times stronger than me so it does not work very well.

Well, I guess I'll have to use my vocal chords then. I grab his head, placing his ear in front of my mouth. "SCOTT!!" I yell in his ear.

He jumps startled. His eyes wide open now. Glad to see my plan works.

"Turn the damn clock off!" I say, my voice sounds very irritated, which is not a surprise since I am very irritated now.

"Jesus Mitch! Is that why you had to destroy my ear?! You could have done it yourself!" Scott says grumpily.

"I couldn't find it and you didn't want to wake up the normal way!" I get out of bed, I need to pee.

After I did my business and splashed some water in my face I finally feel more human. 

"Let's go eat breakfast." Scott says taking my hand in his. "We're going hunting after that." Oh right, I forgot. We're going hunting for the first time with the two of us. It's kind off a tradition that when you find your mate, you go hunting and share you first catch.

After breakfast Scott goes to Kevin to tell him that we're going to hunt.

We walk to the trees together. We both took our shirts off because it's easier that way. You can just keep your pants in your mouth while you are in wolf form.

When we are far enough in the forest, Scott drops my hand and starts undressing. He is not wearing underwear underneath his pants so I'm immediately greeted by his cock. It's just hanging there between his legs, untouched. I really want to touch it. Not just touch it, I want it in other places. Damn it! Now I'm hard. This is going to be awkward.

"Like what you see?" Scott snickers. I look up in his eyes again, a blush on my cheeks.

"Very." I bite my lip looking down at his now half hard cock. I don't know where this courage came from. I'm usually not that straight forward.

Scott just laughs in return. "Are you going to strip or are you going to stand there admiring me." Scott says sassily.

I roll my eyes and drop my pants around my ankles. I turn around, my ass to Scott, before doing some bend and snap. I learned that from legally blond. I watched it yesterday.

When I look over my shoulder at Scott, his eyes are trained on my butt.

"Are you just going to stand there and admire me or are you going to shift?" I ask using his own words against him. I quickly shift myself. It's been going a lot better than the first time.

We he has finally shifted we first just start to run together. His wolf is very cheeky and thinks it funny to occasionally bite my ear. Not hard but it's very annoying.  

When he bites my ear for the 10th time my wolf has had it with him and jumps him. Scott's wolf did not see it coming and we have him on his back for a while. Unfortunately, Scott's wolf is a lot stronger and in no time he has us on our back. His paws are keeping down my paws. I look up at him with my best puppy dog eyes, begging him to let me stand up again.

His tongue flaps out of his muzzle and he starts to lick my face, my neck. It's not an unpleasant feeling. My wolf is actually enjoying it quite a lot.

Eventually he stops and he lets us stand. We take off running again. Now we're actually paying attention to our surroundings.

I hear a sound coming from my right and start to sprint to where it is coming from. I really hope it's a good catch like a deer or something.

I only stop when we arrive at an open spot in the forest. In front of me are standing wolves. 4 very big, very aggressive looking wolves.

Scott comes sprinting and jumps in front of me, shielding me from the wolves. He first growls lowly as a warning signal. The wolves don't back down though. They come closer and closer until they are surrounding us.

Scott is now snarling and growling to every one of them.

I look at the one closest to me. His eyes. They look familiar. I can't place from where I know them though.

Finally the one closest to Scott shifts.

My eyes turn wide when I see his human form.


It can't be.

He smirks at me, "Hello Mitch."

Scott, my alpha (scomiche) AUWhere stories live. Discover now