Chapter 25: Wolfs Bane

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Scott's POV

I stand there in front of the cells raging with anger. Mitch's back is completely covered in blood. I can't even see where the wound is. But it looks serious. I have to get to him to bring him to the pack doctor.

Tom sees my anger. Smirking, he presses his finger in one of Mitch's wounds.

Mitch shoots up, screaming his lungs out.

I stalk forwards trying to bend the bars of the cell with my fingers. "Hold on Mitch, I'm coming for you." I try to reassure while giving all my power to bend the bars.

"You're never going to be able to bend them, you weak excuse of an alpha." Tom grits out. That only makes me angrier. I want to bend the bars even more badly now.

"KYLE!!" I don't care if asking for help makes me a coward. I just want Mitch.

Kyle comes running down the stairs. "You pull that one, I pull this one." I say motioning to the bars. I look up at Tom while pulling. His smug expression washed off his face.

After a while the bars are far apart for me to crawl through.

"Don't come any closer!" Tom yells when I'm fully in the cell. He holds Mitch behind him. Mitch completely disappears behind his buff body.

I just lunge at him, punching his face. He doesn't expect it so it takes him time to react. I already threw a couple punches when he pushes me off.

I end with my head against the bars. I feel myself getting dizzy. I can't let him defeat me though, so I get up again.

While I was down Tom grabbed something in his hand. It's in a small plastic bag. He also grabbed Mitch, holding him in front of his body.

What is he holding?

I still lunge at him just avoiding Mitch and pushing him out of the way.

Tom still finds a way to go out of my path and push Mitch in front of him, forcing me to stop.

"KYLE help!" I yell at him. I don't know if he is still there.

He immediately comes to my side. I motion to behind Tom, so we can attack him from two sides without Mitch getting hurt. More hurt.

"Wrong choice Scott. If you had just fought me like a man I wouldn't have to do this." Tom says with a smirk on his face. What is he talking about?

Before I have any chance to react, Tom throws the contents of the plastic bag over Mitch's wounded back.

Mitch immediately starts shouting and screaming. I run to him not paying attention to Tom who is running away.

I can smell it before I even see it. It's wolfsbane. That bastard threw wolfsbane all over Mitch's wounds. That can be fatal. Wolfsbane interrupts the healing process. It makes the wounds even worse. It hurts like a bitch too.

I just sit there holding Mitch in my arms. I don't know what to do! I need Kevin.

Just as I want to scream for Kevin to come, Kyle comes in the cell with a bucket of water. Of course! Why hadn't I thought of that? We have to try to wash the wolfsbane away.

Mitch's screams die down. His eyes slowly slip shut. Shit, this is not supposed to happen. "Mitch! Please baby, stay with me. You can't go to sleep right now." He might not wake up.

"It's not working Scott, we have to take him to Will." Will is the pack doctor. I lift Mitch in my arms. I put his arms around my neck and mine around his thighs to support him and hold him up. I try not to touch his back.

As soon as I have him steady in my arms I run. As hard as I can. If I run full speed I think I would be back in half an hour. I know it's not that fast but I have no faster way.

I literally run until my lungs are burning and my legs are heavy. But even then I don't stop until Mitch is safe on my pack's land. Every minute can save his life. I can't let him die in my arms. I can't let him die at all.

Finally I spot the first houses on my pack land. I can't help but sigh in relief. It's almost over now, I only have to find the doctor. He will heal Mitch and everything will be okay. At least I hope so.

I run to the doctor's office. It's in the middle of the village what means 5 more minutes of running.

I storm through the office door, ignoring the receptionist. I don't care what Will is doing right now, I will make sure Mitch is helped this instant.

Only halfway through the hallway I realise that I don't know where I can find Will. There are multiple doors on the right and left of the corridor. And I don't want some assistant, I want Will.

"WILL!!" I scream as loud as I can. I know it's rude because there are sick people lying in these rooms too, but my mate's life depends on it.

Will comes running out of a room in the hallway where I'm standing in. He looks distraught. His eyes first go on me but they immediately travel down to Mitch. "What happened to him?" He comes closer, examining Mitch's back.

"Whip.. Wolfs bane." I try to explain between breaths. I'm still out of breath after basically sprinting here.

Will gasps, "lay him on my operation room table." He starts to walk in what I think is the operation room.

Lay Mitch gently on the table, on his stomach. Will cleans all the blood from the wound and only then I can see what the damage is. Big, red, angry slashes are scattered around his back. You know how people say that without the blood is looks better? This looks worse. I expected it to be one slash that bled a lot, not 5!

"Now that the wound is cleaned, there is not much we can do. I'll give him some extra blood but his body has to get rid of the wolfs bane itself." Will explains to me.

"So that's it? We just wait?" I ask frustrated. The anticipation is already killing me.

"Yes, we wait." Will says apologetically.

Scott, my alpha (scomiche) AUWhere stories live. Discover now