Part 8

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Remember when you decided to jump into the sea and swim?

Maine stayed in her room after Richard gave her the notebook. She didn't know what to say or what to do. He was there, telling her that he knew about her when she was in Tuscany. They had an affair, and now had a son. And Arthur amazingly took some of his features from him. If she would request for a DNA test, there is the possible chance that Arthur is his. She didn't know what to feel about that. He was still a stranger to her.

She tried to remember.

She opened the notebook. A photograph slipped from one of the pages. It was a Polaroid photo of them. They were both smiling at the camera. They looked incredibly happy together. Her fingers traced the photo. Her chest tightened at the sight of her smiling face beside him. They looked good together. She could not recall a time that she looked this happy, and she was with this man. Curious about the contents of the notebook, she went to turn the pages and began to read.

I am Richard Jared Faulkerson di Mantova. I realized now that you don't remember me. It was painful to see you and look at me as if we were back to being strangers, but I will do anything to make you remember the good times, and also the bad, but most especially, I will make you remember our love.

You knew me well. I am a di Mantova. I came from generations of Faulkerson di Mantovas of Europe. The family is elusive. It is a known fact that the family is a wealthy bunch whose assets surpassed the royals and the influential leaders of the world. The Rothschilds are only second to us, you said, and I found it amusing because I am related to that family, as well as to the Medicis. The businesses that this family holds are more than one could imagine, found in every industry in the world. Yes, we are wealthy. The king of Spain granted a title, so did the queen of England and I have a prince for a cousin. But you know what? I don't care about that if it meant a life without you. Life was better when you were in it.


Remember when we first met? You were talking to one of my cousin's plants and complaining to it about how your day went. I didn't care about what you thought about my cousin. I was more mesmerized at the fact that you were gently caressing the plants with your beautiful fingers and talking to them as if they were kids. It was amusing - and refreshing - at the same time. And I knew by then that my life changed.


We had a different story. You were working as a personal assistant to my cousin, Giselle, and she, being my ward because she was orphaned in a young age, needed someone like you to help her between her studies and the responsibilities she inherited as a young Contessa. It was a non-ruling title but still, it has duties and you were very good at the business management side that I had to come and visit Giselle and see you. And that's where I found you, complaining about life and my cousin's temper - to a small cactus. I knew, from that moment on, that I had to know you more. I decided to stay in her house, the reason being that Giselle needed guidance in the management of the orchard and her vineyard. I tried to pursue you and you tried to avoid me. I was persistent, one thing led to another and I finally had my first kiss with you, under the pale moonlight and surrounded by grapes. Yes, it might not be a very romantic setting but I'm telling you, my heart swelled at the moment that you were in my arms, holding you tight, kissing your sweet lips and you were kissing me back. I just wanted that moment to stay forever, without anyone I know who would try to interfere and express their disagreement over my decision that I want my forever with you. You're all that I need.

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