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This is an alternate universe story, just warning you. The other boys are in the story too, later on, but they are not in One Direction. If you guys would vote/review I would really appreciate it. Love you all! :))



Three Years Prior...

"Jesus, Harry. What the hell have you gone and done now?" I thought to myself while walking down the quiet corridor, leading to the complex's front entrance.

"Molly, I'm sorry," I offered even though I knew those words held no meaning to her. She was broken beyond repair and as lost as Atlantis; noting I had to say could possibly mean anything now. Tears streamed down her face, covering her flushed cheeks. Wet trails were a reminder that I had just broken her heart. I felt terrible.

"But . . . but, Harry, I don't get it. I don't understand. Did I do something? I can change. We can make this work. We can fix us. I promise, I'll try harder. I just don't want to lose you, Harry," she rambled and begged while choking on her sobs.

"That's just it, Molls," I tried to reason, pushing a lock of light brown hair behind her ear and out of her misery stricken face, "You're trying, but you're the only one trying anymore. We haven't been us for several months now. You're trying too hard to salvage something that's long gone. I love you, Molly --  a part of me always will. But I don't love you like I used to."

"But, what about us, Harry? What about all we've gone through together?" Her cries to get me to stay continued.

"You've gotta let it go. There is no more us. That's all in the past now." My voice was cold and detached, the last possible way I wanted to speak to her, but I wasn't getting through with gentle codlings. I had to cut the strings completely. Rip the plaster right off. It had to be quick and painful to get her to move on.

Our foreheads found a way together and we leaned on each other for balance, her, as she sobbed and broke down in my embrace, and me, as I tried to figure out where I was going from there. I pulled away from her and pressed one last, light kiss to her tear stained lips.

"Goodbye, Molls." I said, my voice cracking as if it knew it was the last time it was ever going to utter the simple sound, my nickname for her. A single tear threatened to fall from my left eye. My hand shot up to quickly rub at it away. If she saw how this was really affecting me, she would find a way to break in and make me stay. I couldn't have that. I needed to leave. I needed a fresh start.

I grabbed my coat while walking out the door; leaving her there, standing in the middle of her living room, looking like a lost and confused child.

As I stood out there, in the dark alley behind Molly's flat complex, the heavy tears fell. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I couldn't lie, I loved Molly. But London held too many bad memories for me. I needed to leave. Needless to say, I wasn't crying because I was hurt and I regretted ending things with Molly. I was crying because I had just watched the heart of the only girl I had ever loved, fall to a million pieces and did nothing about it. I was truly heartless. It wasn't like I could ask her to run away with me. There was so much more life to live, for both of us. They say, "If you love something, let it go." So that's exactly what I did.

"I'm sorry, Molly," I allowed my heart to ache one last time before moving on and even though I knew she couldn't hear me, I muttered a simple, "I love you." before stepping away from the brick wall. As I started down the road, a light drizzle of rain caused me to shiver and pull my jacket closer to my body.

"You did the right thing, Harry," I whispered to myself, "You did the right thing."


Sooo... Hey guys! This is my first fanfic and all I have to say is I have completely fallen in love with writing this story! If you guys would review and give me some feedback it would be greatly appreciated! I'm just looking here to see if you guys enjoy reading my story as much as I love writing it. I'm really hoping I'm as good of a writer as everyone I've talked to says I am. It would probably make me the happiest person in the world, finding out that I'm good at what I love doing. Thank you again, guys and I'm sorry. The End Notes won't usually be this long. I know it really annoys me when I've just read a really good chapter and then the author goes and pulls me out of the story with this long ass end note... Love you guyysss!!! :))

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