Chapter 10

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After storming out of the café I started walking towards the dorms. Sleep. I needed sleep. I needed to clear my head and get all of this off my mind and sleep would do just that. I need to distract myself after Harry's bold move because if I didn't I would be sure to storm right back into that café and lay into him for the second time this week.

What's with him anyway? First he's a total asshole, then he's trying to apologize, and now he's being bold and handsy. I swear, this boy's mood changes faster than I can keep up with.

Once I got to my room that I share with Marina, I flung myself onto my bed and curled up in my covers. I had been laying there for a good fifteen minutes before I found myself starting to doze off while thinking of the infuriating man that kept finding his way into my life. My eye lids only starting to droop when I finally gave into the slumber that was calling my name.

Just as I'd figured, Marina woke me when she'd got back. I groaned and rolled over when she started shaking me, trying to get away from her.

"Adelaide, I swear to God, if you don't get up I will pour a bucket of cold water on you. I'm not even kidding so don't test me." I sat up and swung my legs over the side of my twin sized bed.

"I'm up. Jesus..." I glanced at the clock on the desk between mine and Marina's beds. "Why in the hell am I up, it's only six?"

"The party starts at nine thirty." Marina shrugged and turned to the small closet we shared.

"Yeah. Exactly. The party starts at nine thirty and it's only six. It's not going to take me three hours to get ready." I retorted.

"Yes it is." Marina argued and threw a piece of black cloth at me. I held the scrap up in front of me.

"No way. I'm not wearing a dress. Especially not one this small." I argued and tossed the dress back at Marina.

"You're wearing this tonight, Addie. Even if I have to pin you down and put it on for you." The tone of Marina's voice was proof enough; I could tell that she wasn't messing around.

"C'mon, Addie. Not only is it your first college party but you've got a date tonight too. You don't want to show up in jeans and a hoodie with your hair up, looking homeless, do you? Trust me when I say we're going to use all three hours." I huffed and grabbed the dress from Marina before heading into the bathroom to change.

"It's not a date, Marina." I called before closing the door behind me. The dress was extremely soft against my skin while slipping it over my head, giving me enough reason to decide to wear it even though the bottom of it fell just past the top of my thighs. If I were to bend over someone would be sure to get an eye full. I made a mental note to stay standing the whole night.

I opened the bathroom door and stepped out into Marina's line of vision. She had a stiletto dangling from each of her index fingers: an open-toed suede red and a glossy white. Her mouth dropped to the floor along with both of the shoes. I stood there, waiting for her to collect herself. She reached down and picked up the heels before saying, "I was going to ask which you preferred but now you don't have a choice. You're wearing red." She threw the white one back onto the floor of the closet before picking up the red one's match. Handing me the heels, she reached up and plucked the ponytail holder out of my hair making it fall down into my face. I stood and let Marina pick and prod at me, messing with my hair and adjusting my dress, for a good five minutes before she finally spoke up.

"I've got it. C'mon." She pulled me by my wrist into the bathroom and stood me in front of the mirror before retreating back into the bedroom. Seconds later she returned, pulling the chair from the desk behind her. She forced me down onto the chair and started to frantically reach for things on the counter top, organizing products as she went.

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