Chapter 1

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I made my way down the barren, navy blue carpeted hallway, taking in everything I could.

"May as well get used to it...I'll be here for the next four years," I muttered under my breath. Colorado State University wasn't the collage of my dreams, by any means. The only reason I was here was because I couldn't stand to be away from my big brother any longer -- I needed my best friend. My last two years of high school were utter hell without him.

Two doors ahead of where I was, I saw a boy and a girl, neither appearing to be much older than me, standing in the doorway. Their tongues were shoved so far down the other's throats that I was honestly not surprised they didn't see me. I just hoped, for their own sakes, neither of them were sick... 

The boy, or rather man, was standing just outside the door wearing a white cut off with some sort of black design on the front. I couldn't quite make out what the picture was supposed to be, but I'd be lying if I said I was giving the front of his tank top my undivided attention.

His arms looked as if they were pure muscle and you could see half way down his side through his loose "sleeves" -- it was more like a slit in the side of the piece of cloth. His stomach and back appeared to be just as well muscled as his arms though, so I couldn't complain. I tried not to stare as I walked closer but, just like any straight woman who was in her right mind would have, I failed miserably.

The girl, who had long, wavy, caramel brown hair, flashed me what had to be the dirtiest look she could manage, because I couldn't imagine a look getting any nastier than the one that covered her face. She might have actually been pretty if she didn't look so...discourteous.

Luckily, her guy friend didn't turn around to see what she was scowling about. That would have been awkward. Although, I don't know how he could have noticed -- he was too busy working on a hickey. Ugh, you'd think they'd have had their fair share of those in high school. It was such a childish thing to do, especially in public.

After shrugging off my unpleasant encounter with Scowl Girl and Muscle Man, I returned my attention to finding my dorm room.

"C17... Where the hell are you? I swear it shouldn't be this fucking hard to find a damn dorm room." I was stonewalled in my search for my temporary 4 year home.

I had finally given up and looked down at the campus map, making sure I was even in the right building. Not one of the name plates on the doors had a letters on them, only the number, so I couldn't even tell if I was in the right housing hall.

I had been trying so hard to find my way around with out a stupid piece of paper but I was defeated. I needed the paper but the paper didn't need me; that honestly irked me more than it should have.

I walked into this campus wanting to be independent. I hadn't been there longer than two hours and I had already been proven wrong, shown that I wasn't sovereign. And by a piece of was humiliating. Not in the sense of, I was embarrassed of what other people would think, because everyone who was new would be using a map; it was okay. But, more in the sense of, I couldn't keep a simple promise to myself.

That certainly explained a lot about the previous two years of my life... 

It was then and there that I made a promise to myself, one that I would keep this time. I pledged I would try my damndest to keep it. I wasn't going to be the same old Adelaide Winters I was all throughout grade school and high school. I was going to completely reform myself. I was going to keep my promises to myself for a change. I wouldn’t rely on anyone other than myself and, sadly, I had to come to that conclusion the hard way. 

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