Chapter 11

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"Woah. What happened to you?" I was shocked as I watched Louis clamber up the stairs; the whole front of him was soaked.

"Let's just say Harry's an over protective asshole." Louis answered vaguely. "Sorry I made you wait outside my door. I wasn't planning on being that long." He reached into his front pocket and pulled out a set of keys.

"Does everyone always lock their room in this house?" I teased. I hadn't tried any of the other rooms but both Harry's and Louis' were locked.

"No. Not usually," Louis chuckled as he opened his door, "Just during parties. Don't want random people coming into our rooms and doing God knows what." I watched as he pulled his shirt over his head. "Damn it, Harry. I liked that shirt." Louis grumbled.

Before I knew what was happening, I had the door closed and I had walked over so I was standing behind Louis. My arms found their way around him and I felt his body go rigid against mine as I placed a kiss to his back, right next to his shoulder blade. He dropped the new shirt he had just retrieved from his dresser that he was getting ready to put on and I shifted myself so I was in front of him. I ran my hands up his stomach and chest before wrapping them around his neck. I reached my head up, bringing my mouth to his ear.

"I know you've been flirting with me all night, Louis. You brought me up to your room. What are you going to do to me now?" I had no clue where this side of me was coming from but I couldn't stop it.

"Addie. You're drunk. We can't do this." Louis said and tried to pull free from my grip.

"I'm not drunk. I've only had two ciders." I protested.

"When was the last time that you drank, Addie?" Louis countered; he now had his new white tee shirt on.

"God. I don't know. The last weekend before I graduated. Why does it even matter?" I took a step closer to Louis who was now standing next to his bed, in the corner of the room. He grabbed my wrists and pulled them away from his chest after I had tried to touch him again.

"Addie. Please. Stop." Louis nearly whispered with closed eyes. "Why are you doing this? Why are you throwing yourself at me?" His words hit me like a slap across my face. I pulled away and turned to rush out of the room. I yanked the door open but Louis pulled me by my arm back into his room before I could completely get away. "I'm not saying no because I don't want you, Addie. I'm saying no because this isn't the right time or place and I don't think you're doing this for the right reasons. You would end up regretting it if we went through with this."

Looking up, I met Louis eyes. His voice was sincere, so earnest that I had to turn away. I didn't want him to see my tears that I could feel welling in my eyes. His fingers brushed against my chin, coaxing me to turn back and look at him; the assurance in his eyes was all I needed. I latched onto him pulling myself to his warm body. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged back. He could feel the urgency in my action, I know he could. I buried my head in his neck as I continued to break down. These ciders must be stronger than I'm used to because they're making me act all weird.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to throw myself at you. I just -- Jonah was smashed before I even got here and Harry's just an overall ass." I spoke into my friend's chest. I felt Louis' breath hitch and I pulled away to look at his face. His features masked a vague look of pain. "No. Damn it. No, Louis. I didn't mean..."

"I get it, Addie. It's fine. You were using me to forget about them. It's nothing I haven't done before --" He shrugged.

"No, Louis, it's not --" I was ashamed of myself. Yeah, the alcohol had clouded the part of my brain that produced rational thought but I should have realized what I was doing.

"You didn't let me finish. I mean, yeah. I get the whole Jonah thing, why you're upset about it. He was supposed to be here with you and he has been messing around with other girls all night; I've seen it with my own two eyes. But what about Harry being an ass? Why are you so worked up over that?" Louis cut me off before pulling away. "Do you have feelings for him? Is there something going on between you guys that I don't know about?"

"What?! No! God no. There is absolutely nothing going on between us. I'm so worked up over it because I have done absolutely nothing to him and yet he is still a total dick. It's just really awkward because we all hang out but he has some stick up his ass when it comes to being nice to me. I mean, I don't get it. He is fine with everyone else but when it comes to me he seems to have lost all of his manners and cordiality."

"Here. Change into this." I was taken aback by the sudden change of subject but didn't push to continue. Louis handed me a white tee shirt that matched the one he was wearing and a pair of basketball shorts. I took them reluctantly, trying to force words from my lips. Another apology, a thank you, I'm not quite sure what but it never surfaced. Panic flashed across Louis eyes. "I mean if you want to. I assume that dress isn't comfortable and I just figured, you know--"

"No. Yeah. Thanks" I stammered. Louis nodded awkwardly before leaving me to change while pulling his bedroom door closed behind him.

Marina's dress was bearable but I was more than ready to take it off. Louis clothes were baggy, the lose cloth a major contrast to the skin tight dress that I had just removed.

After changing clothes and pulling my hair into a pony tail, I opened the door to see Louis waiting outside.He stood up straight and stepped away from the wall he had been leaning on.

"You can have my room for the night. I'll just crash on the couch after everyone leaves." He offered and started down the stairs.

"Lou, wait." He turned back around after I reached for his shoulder. "Will you stay up here with me?" I asked. Louis hesitated, his eyes looking everywhere except at me. "Just to talk. I'm not tired yet." He looked a little more laid back after my clarification.

"Yeah, sure." He smiled. I turned and padded back into his room assuming that he'd just follow.

I climbed onto his bed, straightening the disheveled comforter and sheets before covering myself with them. Louis climbed onto the bed next to me. He was sitting on top of the blankets, not making any move to get comfortable in his own bed; it made me feel bad knowing he was giving up his space for me.

Louis sat with his back against the wall at the head of his bed with his ankles crossed and hands in his lap. I was curled up in the covers; this house was unnaturally cold.

"Thank you." I lifted my head out of the blankets so my words wouldn't be muffled. Louis looked down at me with furrowed brows.

"For what?" He questioned.

"Everything. For Getting me away from Jonah. For not talking it any further when I was coming onto you. For letting me stay up here. For being a good friend." Louis smiled tautly.

"You don't have to thank me for any of that, Addie."

"Yes I do. If it weren't for you I'd probably be down there, drunk off my ass just like everyone else. God knows what I would have ended up doing." I laughed and covered my face, thinking of all the things that could've happened.

"Well. You did come up here and..." Louis trailed off.

"I know. Didn't really stop me, I guess." I shook my head, still disappointed in myself.

"Yeah, but the difference is that I stopped you. Any other guy would've done it and not thought twice about it." I looked at Louis for probably the thousandth time tonight but this time I actually saw him.

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