Chapter 3

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I rolled over and pulled the pillow over my head, trying to get away from the obnoxious ringing of my alarm clock. I laid there for a minute, hoping the sound would eventually disappear so I could fall back into a blissful slumber but I had no such luck. I groaned and flung my arm over the side of my bed, reaching for my phone on the nightstand, mentally cursing myself for choosing a class that started before noon.

Looking over to Marina's side of the room, I discovered she was heavy sleeper. "How are you still asleep?" I muttered in disbelief. The volume on my alarm was turned all the way up. I expected her to complain or throw something at me; threaten me, tell me that if I didn't shut it off she would punch me. Anything other than her just sleeping through it. I would bet money that the neighbors could hear it, so I don't know how she could not.

I pulled myself out of bed and threw on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. This may be my first day of college but I was not going to get all dolled up for it. After I was completely ready I grabbed my bags and walked out the door. One of the main reasons I was so adamant about going to Colorado State University, well aside from Alex being here, was because each dorm had its own little bathroom. It made getting ready so much easier.

The day was one hundred times more laid back than I imagined it. We didn't do any real work in the five classes I had signed up for. I walked into my Human Biology class to be greeted by an empty room except for a fairly young man sitting in a swirly chair with his feet propped up on a wood desk to show a pair of dark brown boots. He had a pair of headphones in and a thick book sat in his lap.

I let my eyes travel up the pair of long, jean clad legs that the boots were attached to and saw him looking back at me. He pulled a headphone out of his right ear and asked, "Can I help you?" I was mesmerized by his blue eyes and short brown hair.

"Um... No. I'm fine. I thought this was my Human Biology class but I see I was clearly wrong because it was supposed to have started a couple of minutes ago and no one is here. Sorry to bother you." I said and turned to walk back out the door. I heard soft chuckling but didn't turn around. I was already embarrassed enough, I didn't need to see this guy laughing at me.

"Wait." I heard the man call out. I turned to see him pull both of the headphones out of his ears, close his book and set it down on the desk, and then retract his boot covered feet from atop the desk to stand up. I now could see what he was wearing. He certainly didn't look like a professor.

"You're in the right place. This is Human Bio with Jacobs."

So maybe I was in the right place, but he isn't the professor. He couldn't be. He's far too attractive to be my professor. "You're not Professor Jacobs, are you?" I questioned. His laughter started back up, only this time it had increased in volume. "So, I take it you're not going to be the one instructing this class?" I took his laughter and lack of response as a no.

"God, no. Do I look like a fifty-something year old man going through a mid-life crisis?" He shot back. I found myself laughing along with him after he responded.

"Nah. You're talking about my dad, he's Professor Jacobs. I'm just good ole Jonah." He replied after our laughter had ceased. I giggled at the cute little gesture he did with his arms while saying, "I'm just good ole Jonah." He put them up in a "what can you do" sort of way and shrugged.

"So, where's he at then and why is there no one here?" I asked still confused with this whole situation.

"Oh. He let everyone go early. I think he said he went to get another coffee and a doughnut from a little cafe from around the corner. I'm not really sure though, I had headphones in." He stood there for a few more seconds and turned back around and started going through papers scattered across the top of the desk. After he found what he was looking for the turned back to me and handed me a paper.

"This is all we did today. He handed out the syllabus, went over it and then told us we were done for the day and that we were free to go." I took the paper, scanned over it, folded it in half, and then stuck it in my bag.

"You said "we"... You're in this class too?" I always thought parents couldn't teach their own children because of bias but maybe it was different in college.

"Yep. Science is my thing." He answered with his smile growing larger.

"Oh. That's awesome." I said, not knowing what else to say.

After a few moments of awkward silence I finally spoke up. "Thanks for helping me out, Jonah. I really appreciate it but I've got to start heading to my next class so I'm not late." I said and smiled at him, trying to soften my words.

"Yeah, you're welcome. You wouldn't want a replay of what happened here, would you?" Jonah followed his teasing statement with a quick wink. I laughed and thanked him once more before leaving.


Please comment and vote if you read and enjoy my story. I could really use some feedback and I'm not getting a whole lot. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, lovies. <3

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