Chapter 4

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After walking out of Jacobs' room I headed towards my sociology class. I had time to spare, the class didn't start for another 20 minutes but I really didn't want to be late to two classes in one day. While walking across campus I couldn't help but think of Jonah. He looked so casual and laid back in his jeans, red jacket and boots. I was extremely relived to find out he wasn't the teacher. I mean, c'mon. I can't be the only one to think being attracted to your teacher is weird.

Lost in my thoughts of the brown-haired, blue-eyed man, I didn't notice the door of the class room I was walking past open. Someone stepped out of the class room and into my path. The collision had happened before I could think about it.

I started to mutter an apology and looked up to see who I had ran into. The man had the same chocolate brown hair as Jonah only this guys was longer and had been pushed up off his forehead. You could tell he had been running his fingers through the quiff, it was just messy enough to make him look even more attractive. For some reason I found myself fantasizing about what he would look like if his hair wasn't pushed back out of his face. I shook my head and cursed myself for staring. When he looked up at me, my eyes immediately met his. They were a deep hue of jade. To say they were stunning was an understatement.

The guy tore his gaze from mine and turned without saying a single word. I watched him walk away until he rounded the corner and I could no longer see him. I somehow managed to pull myself out of my enthrallment with the stranger and made my way towards my next class, Sociology.

Harry's POV

There was still another twenty minutes until this class was supposed to be let out but if I had to hear one more monotone word fall from the professor's lips I would have ripped my hair out. I was almost to that point, I had just begun running my fingers through my hair, something I only do when I was about to blow up, when I got up and left.

"Is there something wrong, young man?" The elderly professor asked. What I wanted to say was, "Yeah, your voice is so fucking monotone that you sound like Stephen Hawking and you have yet to make one facial expression." But I decided against it and just made something up.

"Erm... Yeah. I just feel that I'm going to be sick." I opened the door and walked out before I had the chance to hear his voice again. I'm going to have to check into switching to a different class because I would probably kill someone if I had to sit through another hour long lecture instructed by that man.

As I stepped out of the confines of the room and into the hall way I was greeted by a collision with a girl. She had long, light brown hair and her eyes were shade of blue that appeared to have just a hint of light gray to it. "I'm so sor--..." She started saying and looked up at me. She acted like she was hypnotized, just standing there looking at me. I turned and quickly walked away without saying a word.

When I finally managed to find a bathroom, I busted through the door and ran over in front of the sink. I turned the cold water on, cupped my hands, and placed them under the running water. After splashing several handfuls of cold water in my face, I looked up into the mirror. I watched couple of little droplets run down my face, off my nose into, and into the sink. I looked back down and saw that I was hunched over the sink, gripping the sides so hard that my knuckles were white. I brought my head back up so I was eye level with the mirror and peered into my own eyes.

"C'mon, Harry, don't do this. Remember what you did to Molly. You don't deserve anyone after what you did to her." I said aloud to myself. I could tell there was no one else in here. The hallway outside the restroom was completely empty besides a few fake ficus placed next to random benches and the stall doors were all cracked open.

After collecting my thoughts and reminding myself of what I did to the girl I loved three years ago, I found it easy to push my thoughts of the new girl to the side. After ruining something as pure and beautiful as Molly I didn't deserve to be loved. I wouldn't let my self get close to anyone that I thought I could love in that sort of way because I knew I would just end up hurting her too.

I walked back out of the bathroom and headed towards my next class: sociology.


Soooooo. Here you guys go! Another new chapter. And... Addie finally met Harry. Ohhhhh. What do you think is going to happen with them?

P.S. So far I've put out a chapter every day since I put the story on here. I just want you guys to know that I probably won't be able to update every single day after this. The only reason I was able to update as much as I have these past couple of days is because it's been the weekend. I'm still going to try and update during the week. All I'm saying is it isn't going to be as often as it has been. Love you guys!!!! :) Seriously. You guys are the best! I mean it. And I would really like some more feedback. But by feedback I don't mean "Update please!!!!!!" I want something with a little constructive criticism in it. You know, actual feedback. Anywhooo. This is a lot longer that I intended it to be. Sorry...

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