Chapter 9

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I haven't been getting better. I've been getting worse, far worse. I barely have the strength to move myself into a more comfortable position on the floor.

I have never been this weak before in my life. Veliron is furious and blames my current condition on me. If he knew anything about elves he would know that we couldn't get sick, which means that I have been poisoned.

It doesn't take me long to find out who it was but Valerion isn't making the same connection. In fact he has sent his men out to find the old man who treated me before to see if he can heal me.

If he was the one to poison me in the first place I doubt that he will be in a healing mood. I'm certain that it was the "tea" he had made me drink that contained the poison.

Yet even if I had the strength to tell Veliron that he was the culprit I wouldn't. After all, if the cloaked man wants me dead then I welcome it with open arms.

When the cloaked man is found he is brought straight to my cell to inspect me and, "find the problem" as Veliron put it.

I don't want the cloaked man touching me as he searches for the cause of my ailment but I'm powerless to do anything.

I'm not in any pain, just tired. Very tired. The cloaked man finishes inspecting me and then stands up to talk with Veliron.

"Well? What's wrong with him?"
He demands.
"I do not know what has caused his illness."
The cloaked man replies calmly.
"Have you been working him at all?"

Veliron shakes his head.
"Not anything he couldn't handle. I sent him off to the mines a few times but I stopped as soon as he started getting weaker."

The cloaked man furrows his eyebrows and turns his gaze back towards me.

"Didn't I tell you to let him rest?"
"I can't have an elf lying around doing nothing! I'm wasting money just keeping him fed and alive."

I want to roll my eyes at his ridiculous statement but all I can do is close them as a shudder runs through my body.

So tired....

"Will he recover?"
Veliron asks with absolutely no concern in his voice.
"That is hard for me to say."
The cloaked man replies grimly.
"I told told you to let him rest so his injuries could heal yet you put him to work anyway."

"What does that have to do with anything?"
Can this man be any more stupid than he already is?
"You sent him to work in the mines. There are all kinds of debris that could have gotten into his wounds and caused infection. Not to mention the work taking its toll on his body. Elves may be stronger than us but even they have their limits."

I open my eyes again and glance at Veliron. Curious about his reaction.

"So he's not going to recover from this?"
The cloaked man shakes his head.
"He is too weak. He will probably not live for much longer."

"Hoe long does he have left?"
"A couple years at the most, but there would really be nothing he could do. He will never fight again."

Those words come as a blow to me. Only a couple of years? Never fight again? I will have to die like this? Laying helpless on the ground?

"Well if he's going to die I have no use for him anymore."
Veliron states glaring in my direction.
"I may as well kill him now and save myself the trouble. Although I'm going to have to find another way to make money."

Anger swells in my heart but there is nothing I can do. I'm nothing to him, I'm just a way for him to get rich.

And now that I'm useless he wants to get rid of me. I shouldn't have to die, I don't deserve this kind of death.

"You know Veliron, you don't have to let him go to waste."
The cloaked man says thoughtfully.
"I still haven't given up on my offer, I would gladly take the elf off your hands for a good price."

Veliron and I both turn towards him.
"Tell me, what would you do with an elf that can't do anything?"

The cloaked man smiles.
"I wouldn't want to see a being such as an elf die in the way that you Easterlings execute your prisoners and such. I can give him a peaceful life before he dies."

I hate being talked about as if I were some old horse who could no longer work for its master. But at that moment no one cares about the fact that I have feelings and desires just as they do.

In their eyes I am nothing but property. Veliron considers the cloaked man's offer. He strokes his white beard and turns back to me.

"How much would you be willing to pay for him?"
The cloaked man smiles and beckons Veliron to follow him.
As they leave the cell I'm forced to lie and wait for the outcome that will decide my fate.

Will Veliron sell me to the cloaked man? Or will he refuse and have me killed? Either way I am going to die but which is worse?

Gradually but unable to do anything? Or quickly and painfully?

The minutes seem like hours as I lie on the cold floor and wait. Finally footsteps approach my cell and two guards enter.

They tie my hands together and haul me onto my feet. I stumble and would have fallen if they hadn't caught me.

They half-lead and half-carry me out of the dungeon that has been my prison for years and into the burning light of the sun.

Near the gate that leads out of Veliron's home is the cloaked man with Veliron standing next to him, clutching a fairly sized bag of money.

I have been sold.

The guards lead me over to my new master who is informing Veliron that he will need his guarfs to assist him in getting me onto a horse.

A horse? I have to ride a horse?
Veliron seems more than ready to spare his guards as he gazes at his bag of silver.

The cloaked figure leads the guards and me out of Veliron's home and into the streets of the city.

Veliron doesn't even blink in my direction as we leave. He didn't even say goodbye.

Exaustion continues to seep into my body as we make our way through the crowded city. I wish that I could just pass out and let this all be over.

I'm so tired, all I want to do is sleep.
But the cloaked man shows no signs of stopping anytime soon as he leads us on.
Finally I can't stay awake any longer.

The battle to remain concious is lost, and I allow oblivion to wrap me in its arms.

//// End of Part 1 ////

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