Chapter 23

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300 years later...

Rain drenches my cloak and soaks through, providing no protection from the storm.

I walk slowly under the treetops until I see my destination. A small village. Pulling my hood up further I make my way towards it.

There is not a person in sight. A dog barks in the distance and I can hear voices coming from inside a nearby tavern.

I step over a large puddle and my reflection briefly catches in the water, revealing a single blue eye.

I enter the tavern without hesitation and am greeted with shouts and bellows from the men inside. I ignore them and move to the back of the tavern to meet with my most recent employer.

He's sitting at a table by himself. Watching the crowd and waiting for me. I adjust the pack on my shoulder and move silently towards him.

A few men cast suspicious glances in my direction but none of them dare to draw attention to themselves.

I step up to the man's table and toss my bag down in front of him.

"It is done."
I say crossing my arms.
The man glances at me skeptically and reaches for the bag. He lifts the flap and looks inside, a grim smile of satisfaction appears on his lips.

"Very good."
He says turning in his chair to face me.
"Abinor wasn't joking when he said that you get the job done."

I ignore his compliment. That's not what I'm here for.
"Just give me what you owe me."
I growl.
The man, Hindan, reaches into his cloak and pulls out a pouch. He tosses it onto the table and I snatch it.

"Distrusting are we?"
Hindan comments as I open the pouch and count the money inside.
"I will not tolerate being cheated out of what I was promised."

After seeing that the right amount is in there I close the pouch and hide it away in the folds of my cloak.

"Of course, everyone around here knows what happened the last time you were not given what you were promised."

Hindan grins and I resist the urge to punch him.
"Although I would not have hired you without a good reason."
"And what reason was that?"
I ask shortly.

"I really wanted Abinor dead. I wish that I could have thanked him for recommending you, no other assasin gets the job done as well as you do. You never get caught, and no one can ever find you."

"That's because I make it a rule to keep as far away from places like this as possible. And when I do have to come here, I make it a point not to linger any longer than I have to."

With that I turn away from Hindan and walk swiftly out of the tavern. The same men who were watching me arrive now watch me leave.

I step back out into the pouring rain. Night is about to fall and soon everything will be plunged into darkness. Just how I like it.

As I depart from the village I'm aware of footsteps behind me. At first I pretend not to notice, I purposefully slow my pace in order for them to catch up.

I lead them on for a few more minutes before I stop. I can hear their nervous breathing from where I stand. These men have no idea who they are about to encounter.

I reach my hand slowly to my waist, the hilt of my sword comes within inches of my fingertips.

"Don't move or we'll shoot!"
I cease all movement. I know that they have bows, and I know that they won't hesitate to use them.

"Move your hand away from your weapon!"
The man's voice shakes with every word. A pathetic attempt at trying to be brave.

I slowly raise my hands up so that they can see them. I can hear the heavy footsteps of two men coming towards me.

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