Chapter 29

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Another fight between men and orcs, it's just like every other battle I have witnessed.

The orcs come at night, hidden until one of them shoots an unsuspecting man with an arrow, which raises the alarm, soon all the men are armed just as the orcs arrive, then a dramatic fight ensues.

Do men and orcs have nothing better to do than fight each other? Then again, it would be nice if they kept fighting until they were all dead. There would be more earth for me and I wouldn't have to worry about being bothered by either party.

As I watch the battle unfold between men of Gondor and orcs of whatever cave they spawned from I quickly become bored.

Time to have some fun.

I take out my crossbow and retrieve an orc arrow that I collected from the last orc pack I'd encountered.

I lifted my weapon and aimed at an orc who was shouting orders. Not the leader, but most likely someone important. I fire the arrow and it strikes him in the neck, killing him instantly.

I grin in satisfaction and amusement as the orcs try to figure out which one of them killed the orc.

I take another orc arrow and kill a second orc. More chaos follows as a third and forth are immediately shot afterwards.

I have twelve orc arrows left, I don't want to wast them all now so I decide to kill six more orcs before changing targets.

Where I'm at neither side can see me. Yet I'm close enough to ensure that none of my arrows miss.

I switch from my crossbow to my long bow. I take several arrows that I acquired from a group of men traveling in the south.

Of course when I say acquire I mean stole. I raise my bow and aim for the men fighting on horses.

One by one I shoot each horse until there are less than half of what they started with.

Now both armies are confused and desperately trying to find the traitor.

Satisfied with my work I sling my bow onto my back and retrieve my quiver.

I could care less about how the rest of the battle is going to play out. I had my fun and it was now time for me to move on.


I was sitting up in a tree minding my own business when she arrived. Yes, Morwen had returned. Did she not think that I was serious about killing her?
I would gladly do it right now.

"I know that you're up there Amart. You may as well come down."
Her voice is really starting to get on my nerves.

I drop down from the tree I was in and land behind Morwen. She thinks that I'm in the tree in front of her.

"You do know that following people who want to be alone is extremely rude Miss Morwen."

Morwen spins around and I easily block her sword with my own blade. She's clearly startled by my sudden appearance by how wide her eyes are.

If it wasn't for the fact that she annoyed me and served a stalker I would say that she was a lovely lady.

I ask without lowering my weapon.
"I've seen better."
Morwen snaps stepping away from me.

"I doubt that Miss Morwen. There is no one who can match my skill with a blade, or who can match me for looks and charm."

She scoffs and I smirk.
"That is why you have been following me isn't it? You cannot bare to take your eyes off of me."

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