Chapter 14

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I press my back up against the stone wall. My heart is pounding and my body is trembling. Why did I follow him? Why didn't I listen to Pallando?

Alatar starts moving forward, slowly. His eyes bore into mine and I force myself to not look away. I should be able to fight him, I've had training, I've defended myself countless times, but why can't I move?!

My panic grows as Alatar stops just inches in front of me. He looks down on me with a sly grin.

"You should not be here elf. Didn't Pallando warn you to stay away from me?"
I can't speak. All I can do is try to get away from him.
I start to move to the side but Alatar's arm shoots out and blocks me from moving.

I stare at his hand that is now pressed against the wall and then at his other hand. Waiting for him to make another move.

"I wonder what Pallando has told you about me Caran."
He speaks in a tone that seems friendly, and if it wasn't for the darkness that surrounded him, I would almost consider trusting him.

He tilts his head to the head to side and I refuse to meet his gaze.

"Why don't you tell me what he told you about me? So I can see if he was telling the truth or not?"

When I don't answer he suddenly claps both sides of my head with hands. I instantly grab his wrists in an attempt to pull them off but it's no use. Then my entire body feels as if it's on fire.

I scream and try to wrench myself out of his grasp but I'm powerless to do anything. All I can do is stand there while Alatar searches for the answers he wants.

"I see that he told you everything."
He says calmly ignoring my cries.
"Well, since you already know about me it makes since that I should know about you right?"

I close my eyes as my teeth grind together. The pain is unbearable, and the fact that he can see my thoughts makes the situation even more terrible.

"You used to have a family."
He stated almost as if he was bored.
"It is a shame that they died, except for your sister, you do not know whether she still lives."

I gasp as continues to search through my mind.
"All those years spent fighting truly changed you. You hardly recognize yourself anymore."

Leave me alone!

"The name that you were given, Amarth, I think it suits you better than Caran. You could become something great."

The pain lessens slightly but does not go away.
"Yet you still suffer from one thing... Your compassion for those that are weak."

Alatar releases me and I collapse onto the stone floor. My hands instantly go to my head and hold it. Tears are running down my face and I don't care. I feel exposed, vulnerable.

I'm kneeling on the ground with my forehead touching the floor. Alatar continues to stand over me. Studying me in amusement.

"I can help you get rid of your weakness. I can turn you into who you were meant to be."

I can barely comprehend his words. There is too much pain....
Alatar grabs me by the arm and pulls me to my feet.
I stumble and I'm forced to lean against the wall for support.

"Yes, I'm going to have fun with you elf."
This time I manage to glare at him. But it must have been a pathetic glare because all Alatar does is laugh.

He turns away from me and heads towards the stone table I had been hiding behind before. Which reminds me of what I saw earlier, and questions begin forming in mind.

"I already know what you
Alatar says without looking at me.
"I also know that you have a question; so please ask it."

I hesitate for a moment before asking in a quiet voice.
"That young elf, what are you going to do to him?"
Alatar chuckles and smiles at me cruelly.
"This is exactly what I was talking about Canar. Your compassion for the weak is your own weakness."

He pauses for a moment and I resist the urge to shrink back.
"Don't worry Canar, I will help you get rid of your weakness. But as for the young elf, I was going to have him be brought here but I guess I have no need for him anymore."

I look at him in confusion as he stalks back to me.
"After all, I now have my own elf to play with."
That was the last thing I heard before my world plunged into darkness.

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