Chapter 12

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I blink once and suddenly Alatar's eyes are no longer black, but a very dark brown. He wears a dark blue robe and has short black hair. He appears to tower over me and Pallando and yet he is the same height as me.

"It has been a long time since I have crossed paths with an elf."
Alatar says calmly as he looks me up and down. It's almost like he's inspecting me.
"I still do not understand why you did not tell me about your guest sooner Pallando."

Pallando is fidgeting in either anger or fear. I assume that it's a little bit of both.
"You were never around for me to tell you Alatar."
He snaps.
"As for what company I choose to keep; well, it is none of your concern."

Alatar smirks and continues to stare at me with those terrible dark eyes.
"Canar, please go back upstairs."
Pallando orders me sharply. I've never heard him like this before and at the moment I don't care. I just want to get as far away from Alatar as possible.

But at the same time I'm scared to turn my back on him. I feel as if the moment I take my eyes off of him he'll do something awful to either me or Pallando.

"Now Canar."
Pallando's voice snaps me out of my fear and I race up the steps and into the safety of my room. I slam the door shut and close all the windows as well. Bolting both of them shut.

I sit on my bed and stare at the door. How can one man instill so much terror on his own? I've never been this afraid in my life!
I don't know how long I sit in my room before there's a soft knock on my door.

"Canar it's me. Don't worry he is gone now."
When I don't respond Pallando opens the door and stands in the middle of the door frame.
"Canar I'm sorry-"
"Who was that?"
I demand cutting him off.

Pallando sighs and rubs his forehead. He seems so tired.
"Come down here Canar. I promise that I will explain everything."
I follow Canar back downstairs and even though Alatar is gone a shudder runs down my spine.

Pallando sits in his chair and I sit in mine. He takes in a deep breath and begins.
"Alatar and I have known each other for many years. We used to live in the west but eventually we began to travel east in order to expand our knowledge of Middle Earth and its inhabitants."

"We eventually arrived in the Greenwood and we were both welcomed by King Oropher. Alatar and I spent our time their learning as much as we could from the elves that lived their. While I was interested in learning the lore of their people and their culture Alatar became interested in.... Other things."

I notice Pallando shiver as he mentions this but I say nothing as he continues.

"A few weeks went by and Oropher's soldiers began to report the disappearances of several elves. It was only two at first but it quickly expanded to seven, and eventually twelve."

"Oropher and his kin searched desperately for the missing elves but they had no success, and day by day more and more elves began to disappear. One day some soldiers stumbled upon a hidden cave in the middle forest, they entered the cave and found the missing elves."

Pallando paused to take in a deep breath. He then turned to me with a deep sadness in his eyes.

"I cannot even begin to describe the state those elves were found in. Most of them were dead and others were beyond help. Some had gone mad while others refused to allow anyone near them."

"Oropher searched for the cause of those elves' suffering and eventually traced it all back to Alatar. His guards brought him forward and the king demanded to know why he had kidnapped those elves."

"But why did he capture them in the first place?"
I ask breaking my vow of silence.
"Do you truly wish to know?"
Pallando asks sadly.
I nod my head, a bit unsure now.

"He.... Experimented on them."
That was all Pallando said. Before I could ask him for more details he was already talking again.

"Oropher destroyed everything that Alatar had created, and then he banished him from his lands, with a warning that if he ever returned he would be killed. Oropher sent messagengers to the surrounding kingdoms to warn them about Alatar and to not give him shelter of any kind in their lands."

"Alatar became furious with the King. He had planned on taking over his kingdom and enslaving its people. He would have used the elves as an army to take over other lands. When Oropher took everything away from him he decided that he would get revenge."

"Late one night Alatar snuck into the kingdom and into the palace. There he took away the one thing that mattered the most to the king, his only son."

Images of Rilien flash through my mind but I push them aside. I can't think about that now.

"Fortunately Oropher had been expecting Alatar to try something and he and his guards were able to rescue his child, who was not even a year old yet."

"Alatar swore that as long as he lived he would destroy Oropher and any descendant of his. After this Alatar journeyed east and I went with him to ensure that he didn't try anything foolish."

"But as the years went by Alatar began to grow more aloof and distant. We stopped traveling together and eventually we settled in different parts of this land. I built myself a home and he dwells somewhere north of here."

"He visits occasionally but other than that I never see him. I don't know what he has been doing but in all honesty I'd rather not find out."

Pallando sighs as he concludes his tale. I say nothing as I take in his words. If he said Alatar visited him, how come I have never seen him until now?

"I know that I don't have a lot of rules Caran."
Pallando says suddenly.
"But whatever you do stay away from Alatar. I do not want you going anywhere near him or venturing too far from the house on your own. Understand?"

I nod and turn my gaze towards the dying fire. The dim light causes eerie shadows to dance on the walls.

"I have one more question Pallando."
"What is it?"
"The king, Oropher, is he still alive?"
Pallando shook his head sadly.
"He died in battle long ago. His son is now king."

Is all I manage to say. Pallando stands up from his chair and tends to the dying fire.
"You should probably get some rest Caran. You have had a long day."

I silently agree as I rise from my seat and head towards the stairs. Just before I go up I ask Pallando one last question.

"What was Alatar trying to do with those elves?"
Pallando sighs and replies without turning away from the fire.
"He was trying to find a way to control them. To make them do his bidding. Now please Canar go to sleep. I do not wish to speak of this anymore."

I turn away and head up the stairs. Once I'm in my room and the door is closed I immediately go to my bed and throw the blanket over my body.

All night I toss and turn. I can't stop thinking about what Pallando told me about Alatar, about what he did to those elves.
I also remember how he had looked at me, as if he were wondering whether I would work good enough for him or not.

I shake the thought away and struggle to fall asleep. But even then I do not find rest. All of my dreams have turned into nightmares.

And they would remain that way for many years to come.

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