Chapter 20

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Valerion leads me to a house at least two times bigger than his. Whoever lives here must be someone of importance, why would they be friends with this pathetic rat?

"H-here. This is where I sold the elf."
Valerion says trying to step away.
"I c-can go now, r-right?"

I grab him by the arm just as he's about to make a run for it.
I shove him forward.
"You are going to get me inside."
I say sharply.
"W-what? I can't just walk in there."

I tilt my head to the side.
"Did you not say that this was your friend? Surely he would not mind you coming for a visit."
Valerion mutters something incoherent as I drag him forward.

"You are going to get me inside, understand?"
I put my dagger to his throat.
"And if you do anything to try and escape I swear that I will spill your guts onto the sand. Is that clear?"

"Y-yes. V-very clear."
I remove the dagger and allow Valerion to lead. We approach the door where two guards are standing.

"What are you doing here Valerion?"
One of the men spat.
Valerion trembled beside me.
"And who is this?"
The other one demanded drilling me with a cold stare.

"H-he wishes to speak with Kohtár."
Valerion stammers.
"What does he want to speak to him about?"
The first guard asked.

"I have a message for him."
I say calmly.
My tone must have cauggt the man off guard because for a moment uncertainty flashes in his eyes.

He shakes his head and opens the door.
"This way."
Valerion and I walk into the house. I don't remove my hood, knowing that if my identity was discovered I would be in trouble.

I have never been a house this elegant before. But I don't care about the expensive decor or the many servants and guards milling about.

All I want is to find Anna.

Four guards lead us down a long hallway and towards a large closed door. The floor is made out of smooth marble and many tapestries adorn the walls.

Most show battles and wars being waged. Whoever lives here must enjoy violence and blooshed. Like every other man I've ever met.

We come to a stop as one of the guards knocks on the door. There is a pause and shuffling of feet as the door opens.

We enter a large room that is even more lavishly decorated than the rest of the house.

At the end of the room sits a tall, dark skinned man with cruel eyes. His beard is dark with strands of grey and no hair covers his head.

I begin to think that this man must be very important.

"Why have you come back here Valerion? Do you have another slave to sell to me or have you come to beg for more money?"
The man, Kohtár, asks in a booming voice.

"N-no. My acquaintance here has a message for you."
Valerion replies shooting me a dirty look.
Kohtár turns to me and narrows his eyes.
"And who are you? What message do you bring and who is it from?"

"My message comes from my master, he sent to me inquire of a slave you may have just acquired. As for me, I am but a humble servant."

Valerion scoffs which receives a curious glance from Kohtár, thankfully he is more concerned with me.

"What is your master's name?"
He asks.
I say without thinking.
"I have never heard of a man who goes by that name."
"He is from Harad, he is passing through here on his way home and would like to acquire some more slaves."

"So why is he coming to me? Why doesn't he go to the slave market?"
"He only takes the best slaves. Word has reached his ears that you have an elf slave. He would pay a handsome price for it."

To my surprise Kohtár laughs.
"Tell your master that he would be wasting his money. That elf is worthless, pathetic. I paid far more for it than I should have."

"What do you mean? What is wrong with it?"
"She's too skittish, messes up everything, and is sickly. I can not have something such as that dwelling in my home."


"Let me see the elf, I can decide for myself whether or not it would meet my master's qualifications."

Khotár shrugged.
"Very well."
Turning to one of his guards he ordered, "Bring me the elf."
The guard disappeared out of the room and I held my breath as I waited for him to return.

I wanted to the elf to be Anna, just so that I could know that she was alright.

And at the same time, I hope that it isn't her. I would not want her to be trapped in a place such as this.

But when the guard returns my fears are confirmed.

It is Anna. She has changed so much since I last saw her. She is taller, pale, and thin. Too thin to be considered healthy. Her red hair is tangled and her servant's clothes are dirty.

Fear consumes her eyes and her movments are jumpy as she's led towards me.

Her eyes lock on to me and her body begins to tremble. She's afraid of me. I desperately want to pull her into my arms and hold her. I want to assure her that everything will be alright, that I'm here now, but I can't.

Not yet.

"Do you see what I mean?"
Khotár asks rising from his seat and walking over.
"She is pathetic, scrawny. I'll either try to sell her or have her killed. I have no use for her."

Anna begins to tremble as Khotár approaches. That's when I notice something that I hadn't before. Bruises cover Anna's bare arms, and her face.

I see the cruel glint in Khotár's eyes and anger consumes me.

He beat her.

I throw away all caution.

I don't care what happens to me anymore.

All I can think about is Anna, sweet, bright, beautiful Anna, being beaten.

And the man who did it.

My dagger is out in an instant. I scream in rage and rush Khotár, plunging the dagger deep into his chest.

He gasps and his eyes roll back into his head. His body goes limp and collapses onto the floor.

I throw the body aside and move towards Anna. The guards stare at me in shock and make no mive to attack.

Anna looks as though she is about to faint from fear.
Her voice is so quiet, so weak.
"Don't hurt me...."

I drop my dagger and wrap my arms around her, pulling her against my chest and allowing my unshed tears to fall.

"I'm sorry Anna, I'm so sorry."
I whisper in her ear.
Anna does nothing. She remains stiff as she tries to figure out what is happening.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?"
"It's me Anna, your brother."
Anna's eyes widen. She looks under my hood and her eyes meet mine. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she recognizes them.

"Caran? Is it really you?"
I nod.
Anna sobs and puts her arms around me.
I hold her as she cries into my shoulder. I can't even begin to imagine what she's gone through, but none of it matters now.

I'm here now.
I'm going to keep her safe.
I will not fail her like I failed everyone else.

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