Chapter 36

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Isildur's heir, known as Aragorn to everyone else, has brought an army of men, dwarves, and all the elves that have been living in secret all these years, to battle against Sauron.

I knew that this would be their only chance to destroy Sauron for good, so I took the liberty to convince him to wage war with them near Mount Doom.

That way if by some chance the Ring is cut once again from Sauron's finger, they will be able to destroy it as quickly as possible.

I also plan on using this attack to kill Legolas. He has changed since our last meeting, for one thing his eyes have changed from blue to a dull grey.

My eyes never changed their color, they only grew sharper, brighter. His hair hasn't started turning black either.

Which means that he is still managing to fight off the darkness, after being scarred by my dagger!

I grit my teeth as the battle rages around me. Sauron promised me that I would get to kill Legolas, and that is exactly what I am going to do.

I watch as the orcs purposefully separate Legolas from his allies. Soon it is just me and him.

"Hello Greenleaf."
He whips around to face me and I draw my two swords. He raises his knives and at the same time we fly at each other.

He puts up more of a fight then I had expected him to, but it will not be long now, he will fall.

I swipe his legs out from underneath him and he crashes onto his back. Just when I'm about to end his miserable life I notice a look of terror flash in his eyes.

Sauron had entered the battle and was fighting against Aragorn. I pause when I notice that Aragorn is losing, if he loses then all is lost.

I briefly turn my attentiom away from Legolas and for the first time in years I use some the power that Alatar gave me.

I focus on the wizard, Gandalf, who is trying to break Sauron's spiked spear.

I know that even with his power he will not be able to destroy it on his own. I focus on the Dark Lord's weapon, my eyes begin to blaze with an unatural blue light.

When Gandalf brings his staff down on the weapon I release enough power in order to shatter it to pieces.

Now that Sauron is weaponless they have a chance.

I shudder as the energy within me dies down and I return to face Legolas, who has managed to stumble back to his feet, and we are ready to battle once again.


The Ring has been cut from Sauron's hand. It has been destroyed, and along its master along with it.

I stand overlooking the now desolate landscape of Mordor, wounded and bleeding as I watch the armies abandon this forsaken place forever.

My mind replays the fight with Legolas over and over again. What I don't understand, what I can't comprehend, is that he spared my life.

I was completely at his mercy, he could have killed me in an instant, instead he chose to leave me wounded as he went to aid Aragorn.

Why? Why would he let me go? I tortured him myself in Barad Dur, plotted to have his halfling friend killed, and of course I left him scarred, he had no reason to let me live.

As I turn away from the bloodied battlefield, littered with the corpses of orcs, men, elves, and dwarves, I ponder over the strange actions of Legolas.

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