Chapter 32

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I ride until my horse can't take another step. Then I dismount and keep walking. Not caring if he follows or not. The sun is beginning to rise, thankfully it is still dark.

I should have killed Morwen the moment she showed up. She's the reason I'm feeling like this, I can't even describe what I'm feeling!

I've been angry before, in fact I'm usually angry about something, but this is different. This rage that I'm feeling seems to cause my entire body to burn.

I can't take this.

I stagger and collapse onto the ground. I dig my fingers into the ground as I grit my teeth. I shout in frustration as the pain intensifies.

It's all too much, I have to release it somehow.

The sound of pounding hooves fills my eyes. I look up and see the shapes of horses thundering across the plains.

Are the men of this land constantly riding horses?!

I pause for a moment. Everything falls silent, except for the sound of my own breathing.

I draw my crossbow and grab an arrow.

It's time for me to see what I can really do.


I killed them all.




Even their horses didn't have a chance to escape. I stand in the middle of the lifeless carcasses with my swords drawn.

Blood stains the grass as well as me. I wish that I could say I escaped the battle unscathed, but for the first time in a very long time, I've been wounded.

I limp away from the bodies with one arm wrapped around my side, trying to stop the bleeding.

I was stabbed in the shoulder by one of the men's spears. I got a nasty scrape on my leg and ruined my bow.

I barely manage to go twelve feet before I collapse. I want to scream in frustration. I went to kill not be killed myself! I know that my chances of survival are slim, but I don't want to die.

I can't die.

That's when I hear footsteps.
I changed my mind.
Morwen runs to my side and kneels down next to me.

"What have you done to yourself?"
She asks reaching out to inspect my wounds.
"What have I done?!"
I jerk away from her and ignore the flash of pain that shoots through my entire body.

"This is all your fault! If you hadn't showed up in the first place I wouldn't be in this mess!"

"How can this possibly be my fault Amarth? I didn't tell you to go and pit yourself against twenty armed men!"

I let out that scream of frustration I've been holding in and lunge at her. She has not time to react as I pin her on her back.

I hold her by her neck and reach for my dagger. She tries to pry my hand off but I refuse to let her go.

All of my problems started when she arrived, now I'm going to get rid of her for good.

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