Chapter 21

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It isn't long before the men surrounding us react to what they had just witnessed.

"Y-you killed him!"
Valerion shouts looking at the dead body in disgust.
I take Anna's hand and stand up to my full hight. I reach up and pull off my hood, revealing myself to them.

The men gasp and stand back. And they should.
I will not hesitate to kill every single one of them if they come near Anna. She's suffered enough at their hands.

"We're leaving now."
I say retrieving my dagger.
"If any of you try to stop us, you will meet the same fate as your master."
I point the tip of my dagger in the direction of the fallen body.

None of the men move. I squeeze Anna's hand and we turn around to leave. I hear footsteps approaching but I don't turn around.

Anna glances behind her fearfully.
"Caran, they're following us."
"I know. Just keep walking."

We quicken our pace until we reach the entrance to the house. Five guards block the door.

"You're not going anywhere elf!"
One of the guards spat.
Anna squeezes my arm as we become surrounded by armed guards.

I don't take my eyes off of the man in front of me. I can see him trembling, they all are.

"I will give you one chance to get out of my way."
I say taking a step forward.
The men continue to tremble. I relish their fear.

"You're in no place to threaten me elf."
The man says trying to sound bold. I wonder why they are all so fearful? Yes I just killed their master with nothing but a dagger, but surely they wouldn't be this terrified?

I raise my dagger and step forward. Briefly releasing Anna's hand.

"Stand, aside, now."
I say slowly raising my dagger.
The man's face pales and for a moment it looks as though he is about to faint.

"N-no. I won't."
So brave.
I thrust my knife forward into his chest.
He falls to his knees.

Yet so stupid.
I turn to face the other guards blocking the door. They all move.
I motion for Anna to come forward and she does, but even she seems afraid of me.

Is it because she's never seen me kill before? I take her hand and lead her out of the house. No one follows us.

I stop for a moment and look back at the house. I see Valerion standing in the doorway, watching me.

Without a word to Anna I let go of her hand and stalk towards him.

He panics and tries to get back inside but the guards have closed the door.

Valerion panics and drops to his knees. He clasps his hands together and looks up at me desperately.

"P-please! D-don't kill me! I-I did what you asked, I b-brought you to the elf. L-let me go!"

I knelt down to where I was just in front of his face.
Valerion is shaking, and I can see that he's trying not to cry.

He is utterly pathetic.

"Do you recognize me Valerion?"
I ask in a gentle voice.
He shakes his head frantically.
"I was the elf whom your father captured. His men threw a spear into my wife's back, he slit my son's throat, you enslaved my sister, and he turned me into this."

My voice rises as each memory resurfaces. I grab my dagger and press it against Valerion's throat.

"Your father is dead now. But I can avenge my wife and son by making your life a nightmare."

I remove the dagger from his throat and in one quick motion I slash it across his chest.

He screams and howls in pain.
He falls onto his side, wrapping his arms around himself as he writhes on the ground.

I place the dagger into the folds of my cloak and turn away from him. Ignoring his screams and cries for help.

Anna looks at me with her eyes wide in horror. I say nothing and neither does she as I take her hand into mine.

I'm getting her out of this place.
I'm taking her somewhere where she will be safe.

As we walk I keep noticing that she refuses to look at my face.

"Anna, what's wrong? Why won't you look at me?"
Anna jumps at the sound of my voice and still refuses to look at me.

"Anna. Tell me what's wrong."
We stop in the middle of the street. There isn't a person in sight.
All is quiet.

"You can tell me what's bothering you Anna, I won't hurt you."
Anna looks down at her bare feet as she mumbles something under her breath.
"I can't hear you Anna. Please speak up."

"I-I can't look at you."
She says quietly.
"Why not? Anna are you alright?"

"It's your eyes."
She says in a shaky voice.
"My eyes?"
What does she mean?
Finally she looks up. In her eyes I can see my own reflected in them.

Then I realize why the men were so afraid. I know why Anna refuses to look at me.

My eyes are glowing.

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