Episode 19: Judge, Jury, Executioner

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Tension was running high for everyone over the last few days. They may have beaten Keito but then she disappeared taking away the only connection they knew for the student council. Knowing what they've done in the past Rane and his friends started to assume the worst had happened to Keito. The members of the student council don't seem to take failure well and the only thing they hate more is disobedience. So how would they do it? How would they come for them and how could they prepare. Actually, how could Rane even beat the student council. If they've been running operations like this for years than they have the most powerful people in the school wrapped around their fingers. If only they realized the scale of what they faced sooner because now it's like a game of chess where the enemy is closing in on victory and you can't see the right move and every piece he had was a friend that he couldn't bare to lose. He tried to plan for days now but then it hit him. Maybe the faculty couldn't fix the corruption but what if they were exposed in the school newspaper. It was a long shot but it just might work so Rane called everyone and told them to meet in the news room. They met at lunch and Rane could tell that they were just as worried as he was.
Rane: So I'm assuming you guys haven't been doing so well.
Kurumu: What gave it away?
Rane: You and Yukari aren't trying to kill each other.
Yukari: He has us there.
Rane: I might have a way to take them down.
Moka: We're listening.
Mizore: Anything is better than waiting for them to come kill us.
Rane: What if we could expose them to the whole school?
Rubi: I'm not following.
Rane: We have a newspaper that everyone reads. If we can find something to prove that this place is messed up they'd have to change.
Moka: So we shine a light on what they hide.
Rane: Sound like a plan?
Yukari: Still might get us killed but ok.
Kurumu: I'm in too.
Rubi: Same.
Mizore: Let's do it.
Rane: Ok operation, revealing light begins n-
Before Rane could finish the lights in the room were shut off. It was completely black and none of them could see the men that barged in, bagging them and gagging their mouths and knocking them out for good measure. Rane woke up with his face covered and his body tied to a chair. It wasn't long before the bag was removed and a man with long blonde hair stood before him.
?????: Hello Rane, do you know who I am?
Rane: If you had a bow I'd say you were Legolas.
?????: The rumors are true. You like to run your mouth.
Rane: It's a gift and a curse.
?????: Well since I don't want to be rude I'll introduce myself. My name is Kuyo, president of the student council.
Rane: Oh so you're the big boss. I was wondering if it was gonna be big intimidating muscle guy or skinny but sinister looking toothpick. Should've went with the toothpick.
Kuyo: Perhaps you'll stop talking when I show you this. And you might want to keep your temper in check, we don't want to hurt anyone if we can avoid it.
Kuyo summoned what looked like a servant of his that created a shining orb and when Rane looked into it he saw all of his friends tied up.
Rane: Let them go.
Kuyo: I'd love to but then you'd continue to be a thorn in my side.
Rane: So what do you want.
Kuyo: Peace, order restored and to remove all signs of rebellion permanently.
Rane: Fine then kill me but let them go.
Kuyo: Oh I can't simply kill you. Death is only to those who violate the strictest of rules. Such as our no humans rule.
Rane began to wonder if he knew or was he just toying with him. One thing was for sure, the lives of his friends was going to be dependent on him.
Rane: I still don't know what you want Kuyo.
Kuyo: I think you do. You see I met with your orc friend that you met at the beginning of the school year. He recalled your friend Moka saying that you were human, though the later creature that emerged clearly wasn't I still remained interested.
Rane: So you've been stalking me ever since.
Kuyo: More like observing. I've seen everytime you changed on the school grounds and while I an say that you are something special the one thing you are not Rane is a monster.
Rane: You have no proof.
Kuyo: I possess more than you think.
Kuyo had his servant change the image on the screen showing Saizo in a similar room to the one rain is in now.
Saizo: I definitely remember that vampire chick saying the guy was human after I rocked him.
The image changed again switching to Tamao from the mermaid club.
Tamao: I was curious why he held back. It's almost like he needed to be pushed before he could unleash that kind of power. That's unlike any other monster I've ever seen.
Once again the image flickered to the three lizard student's.
First student: Why did he wait to change after I spit my acid on him. Clearly in his human form it hurts but in that skull form he shook it off like it was nothing so why didn't he fight like that from the beginning?
One more time the image flickered to Ririko.
Ririko: Yes I tortured him and for some reason he took it. Any normal monster with that kind of power would have stopped me from the beginning but he took all the punishment and came back with a vengeance. It was horrifying, I never tutored another student like that again.
Rane: You're welcome Yokai Academy.
Kuyo: I agree you deserve some thanks for that, but all of this evidence points to you being something unlike anything this school has ever seen.
Rane: And exactly how is that breaking a violation?
Kuyo: It's not, but in a way it would support a confession.
Rane: You expect me to admit to being a human?
Kuyo: Exactly.
Rane: Go to hell.
Kuyo: You forget I have your friends tied up in the same position you are but unlike you I'm not interrogating them. Let's take a look shall we?
To make sure Rane didn't miss a single scene Kuyo had more orbs appear each one showing one of his friends being prepared for something.
Kuyo: They can see you as well. Why don't you let them know you're ok.
Kurumu: Rane! Did they hurt you?
Yukari: Dammit I can't move! These ropes are too tight.
Rane: Dammit Kuyo let them go!
Kuyo: You want me to release them? You know what I want.
Rane: I'm not a human!
Kuyo: I don't care what you are. I just want those words to come out of your mouth but it seems we'll have to go to some distasteful lengths.
Mizore: I don't like the sound of that.
Moka: Whatever it is don't do it Rane.
Rubi: Yeah whatever it is we can take it.
If there was any hope in Rane's heart it was shattered by the sounds of Kurumu screaming.
Rane: Kurumu!!
Kuyo: That must be unpleasant.
Rane watched as needles were driven into Kurumu's fingers, right beneath the nail. He watched as they were inserted slowly, one by one and it brought tears to his eyes.
Yukari: You sick bastard!
Kuyo: Language. Now for your turn.
Rane: NO!!!
Kuyo: I was curious if a witch had more physical power than a human.
Two guards came and untied Yukari, lifted her up and locked her arms in chains attatched to the ceiling. Then they brought bags full of sand that were ten pounds each and they hung 2 on her legs. The wait and pain of being stretched so far made her scream.
Rane: YUKARI!!!!
Rane was starting to let loose, his body getting hot and starting to burn through the ropes.
Kuyo: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Even if you did turn, how long would it take to find them, they might all be dead before you reach one.
As much as Rane couldn't bear anything at this point he held the rider back. But the pain continued as he heard more screams. Rubi was hung up and being whipped like a savage animal and Mizore was constantly being drenched in boiling hot water. The screams flooded his ears and he couldn't block them out. All he could do was cry, and beg them to stop.
Rane: Stop it now! I'll do anything!
Kuyo: Then say what I want to hear.
Mizore: D-don't do it Rane.
Yukari: If you say it you'll die.
Kuyo: How caring of all of you, but he has a choice to make. Will it be your life Rane or theirs?
All Rane could do was stare into the floor. What was he supposed to do. One way or another he loses everything no matter what he does.
Kuyo: It seems we need a final push.
Kuyo snapped his fingers and the image of Moka in her room enlarged. She was the only one unharmed and in seconds she was surrounded by more of Kuyo's men Holding hoses and buckets of water.
Moka: Water?
Rane: Kuyo!!!
Kuyo: You know how to stop this and until you do they all suffer.
With another snap of his fingers Kuyo's men unleashed a tsunami on Moka, almost drowning her and giving her periods to breath and writhe in pain and agony. She would cringe, shake and twitch but she didn't scream. So they fired again and again and again and eventually it became to unbearable for Moka and she cried out in pain. That was the last straw for Rane. He couldn't hold anything back any longer and as he howled in rage the ropes that bound him were burned to ashes. Seeing this made Kuyo scared and he backed away but Rane didn't move and he didn't turn. He simple sat they in the seat, taking a glance at all his friends before he took a deep breath.
Rane: I'm a human.

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