Season II Episode 8: Lilith's Mirror Part 2

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(From this point on if both Mokas are out an about we refer to regular Moka as Moka1 and Inner Moka as Moka2. Less writing for me)

Moka1: What did that mirror do to us?

Rane: Wait wait wait! I read about that mirror, it has the power to awaken a monster's true nature. Seems like the effect it had on you was splitting you two up.

Moka2: But the effect it had on you was....

Ghost Rider: Setting me free.

Rane: You can actually talk?!

Ghost Rider: I can do a lot more than that boy!

The rider let loose a maniacal laugh as he summoned his demonic motorcycle and took off into the campus.

Moka2: I have a feeling that this is not good.

Moka1: That's what gives you a bad feeling? Not the roars and howls all over the campus, the rider going off on his own was the only thing that gave you a bad feeling?

Moka2: I'm not liking your attitude.


Rane: I tried to tell you when I was home. MONSTERS!

Kyoko: You were serious?! Even all your friends?

Rane: Those two are vampires, Yukari  and Ruby are witches, Kurumu is a succubus, Mizore is an ice demon and Ginei is a werwolf.

Kyoko: I think I need to sit down.

Moka2: We're kinda in the middle of a monster apocalypse here.

Rane: Why is that?

Moka2: With all this monster energy being released, the barrier between this world and human world won't hold for long.

Moka1: It'll be a war.

Kyoko: Why is this all happening?

Moka2: Because your dumb ass made the command to Lilith's mirror!

Kyoko: So this is my fault?

Rane: No time to play the blame game. Kyoko, head back to the newspaper room and barricade yourself inside. Mokas we need to bust some heads but I can't do that without the rider.

Moka1: What are the chances that our friends are still sane?

Rane: Best bets are Yukari and Ruby because they're half human.

Kyoko: Wait, I need to help somehow.

Rane: No offense, but I think you did enough.

Moka2: We'll find you when this is over, what matters now is that we can focus on stopping this thing and we can't do that if we're worried about you getting killed.

Moka1: I have to say that they're right Kyoko.

Kyoko: Right, okay then.

Kyoko started to run back towards the newspaper room when she caught  glimpse of the destruction she felt responsible for.  She saw smoke in the nearby forest, lizard men were crawling along the courtyard chasing creatures she didn't even know of. All this destruction and all of it was on her hands.

Kyoko: I can't sit by and do nothing. If I can find the mirror maybe I can reverse this.

With her new resolve Kyoko traversed the treacherous ground until she managed to make it to the gymnasium where she remembered that Ginei, Ruby and Kurumu were searching and she walked in the middle of a full scale battle between the wolf and the succubus.

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