As The World Falls Down

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OMPOV- Omniscient point-of-view---- meaning third-person view of the story, touching up on everyone's thoughts.

(Character)POV--- First person view of a certain character (I or me being used frequently)

(Character)OMPOV---Third person limited, revealing the thoughts of one person in third-person view

CHAPTER ONE: As the World Falls Down

"... maybe we could find some berries or something..." Sarah mumbled, halfway to herself. Hunger gnawed at her belly, but if she was to save Toby, she could not stop. In the distance, she could hear the cries of her baby brother, trapped within the Goblin King's castle.

Sir Didymus rode ahead of her, his lance pointed at the ready, while Ludo took the lead. Hoggle was trailing behind her, and though she hadn't meant to say so aloud, the dwarf had heard her muttering.

Desperation was forming in the back of Hoggle's mind, and before he could stop himself, pulled out the deceptively sweet-smelling fruit and offered it to Sarah. Her eyes brightened up as her eyes rested on the peach.

"Oh, Hoggle, thank you! You're a lifesaver!" She praised as she bit into the fruit with relish. Hoggle's eyes widened and he began to step back as he realized what he had done. Her happiness slowly drained away, to be replaced by confusion.

"It tastes strange..." She mumbled around the fruit flesh, juice dripping out of her mouth. Noticing the way Hoggle was retreating, Sarah slowly put the pieces together. "Hoggle, what have you done?" Her vision was swimming before her eyes as he quickly lumbered away.

"Damn you, Jareth... and damn me too..." Sarah watched the cowardly Hoggle wiggle out of sight, whispering to himself in shame. She lurched over to a fallen tree and clutched onto it for support. Everything's dancing... The last thing she remembered was seeing three beautiful crystal spheres floating towards her and then land gently in her palm.


Everything I saw was cloudy, blurry shapes with no clear definition. As my vision began to clear, I barely noticed the jewels in my hair or the stunning white ball gown I wore, only fixed on the paralyzing beauty of the room around me.

People in masks danced around, strikingly beautiful as they danced around each other in perfect unison. Colors danced merrily around the room, reflecting in the distorted walls with shimmering lights floating in the air.

I picked at the dress I wore, quite comfortable despite the frills and glitter. Glitter... I caught a flash of glistening midnight-blue fabric, with magnificent sheen to the clothing. Just as I looked into the man's face, a dancing couple obscured my sight. When they swept away a moment later, he was gone.

Dimly I remembered a flash of something I had to do, something important, but another gleam of blue distracted me from my troubling thoughts.

The twinkling music in the background sounded familiar, and my body unwillingly swayed to the angelic tune as I pushed through the crowd. It was a masquerade, no doubt of it, from all of the lifelike masks that hid everyone's faces and emotions. I slowly turned away from the enchanting dancers and music, feeling a compulsion to find the face that the blue belonged to.

As I was brushing through the crowd, I noticed distantly that while some outfits had shines and shimmers here and there, nobody was wearing the least bit of glitter- except for the one in front of me, dressed more richly than anyone in the room. The other dancers in the room were garish compared to this one solitary man, yet he outshone them all.

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